Manoeuvres Flashcards
Awareness of your surroundings when reversing
Awareness is the most important part of reversing. Most pupils tend to focus on the accuracy and I understand why as this is that bit can be tricky.
However think of it this way; you can always fix a manoeuvre that’s gone wrong but you can’t fix poor awareness. Once you’ve hit something or someone you’ve hit it or them.
So where should you be looking when reversing? EVERYWHERE! You will need constant all round awareness. Before starting the reverse check all around for any hazards or risks that may occur during the manoeuvre.
Throughout the manoeuvre you will need to continuously assess your surroundings for anything that changes.
There’s no magic to this, it’s just about making safety during the reverse your priority not accuracy.
Elements of control when reversing
crucial to give you time to steer, be accurate and most importantly time to check your surroundings.
Keep the car moving slowly using clutch control on the flat and uphill and brake control downhill.
Steering quickly is beneficial as most turns when reversing are tight.
One thing some people struggle with is which way to steer. The key here is to look in the direction you are going, so out of the back window and turn the way you want the back of the car to go.
What are the steps in a reverse bay park?
- Pull up perpendicular to the space
- Pull forwards so you are sitting just inside the space
- 6 point check
- Begin moving slowly - check blindspot - full right lock
- Keep going until see both lines of the space - small gap between car and lines in mirror
- Stop - 6 point check
- Reverse - check blindspot
- Full lock left
- Continue until entering space
- Make necessary adjustments - stop and figure out if needed
- Can pull forwards and straighten up if needed - 1 1/4 right turn (badge right way up)
- Straight back (look through back window)
- Line under wing mirrors = stop
Things to remember when reverse bay parking
Continual obs in all mirrors and front and back windows
Slower = easier and have more time to make early adjustments
Don’t dry steer
Don’t drive too far past the space
As you enter the car park you will need to choose a space and then line up your car ready to reverse in. This can be at any angle, whatever works best for you. If you are swinging your car across the road to get an angle be sure to check for any hazards first.
Once you’re set up and ready to start reversing, check all around for anything that will affect you during the reverse.
Keep the moving slowly during the reverse and steer as necessary.
Don’t over complicate it, if you want to get closer to a line/car steer towards it, if you want to get away from a line/car steer away from it.
What are the steps in parallel parking?
- Pull up alongside car - relatively close
- 6-point check
- Reverse in straight line until back of car disappears in back left window
- Stop. 6-point check
- Begin reversing - full lock left
- Continue until front of the car at between 1 & 2 o’clock
- Stop. 6-point check
- Begin reversing - 1 1/4 turn to right (badge right way up)
- Continue until door handle over the kerb in left blindspot mirror
- Stop. 6-point check
- Begin reversing - full lock right
- Continue until car swings in behind car - see kerb in mirror
- 1 1/4 to left (Badge right way up) - make sure it is fast to stop car swinging out again
- Reverse back in straight line - look in back window
- Stop
Things to remember when parallel parking
Continual obs in all mirrors and back window
Don’t steer too early
Take as much time as you need - can stop in diff places
Can make adjustments as necessary
If another car approaches, stop until they stop
Be aware there many be different types of hazards as you will be on a road, but again with good and consistent observations, you will be able to keep everyone safe.
Checking around you before stopping and signalling left to let other road users know you’re stopping.
Before you start reversing have a good look around. Once you are happy there are no hazards begin reversing.
As with all reversing the most important part is continuously checking around you for any hazards.
What to look for when reversing
Check for all other road users – including motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists as these groups may be more difficult to see
Check to the rear of your car – look out for pedestrians or children who may be about to cross behind you
Before reversing check all around you, over both shoulders and in all mirrors
If in any doubt get out and check your surroundings
Always carry out all of these checks BEFORE you begin reversing
Keep checking in all directions as you move backwards
Always be prepared to stop your car
How to steer in reverse
Always avoid turning your cars steering wheel when it is not moving. This is known as dry steering and can cause damage to the wheels and the steering system.
Always coordinate your hand and foot controls so that your car moves smoothly.
As soon as you start reversing turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the rear of the vehicle to turn.
When reversing you may often find that you need to begin straightening up sooner than seems necessary.
Always reverse slowly to ensure you have time for keeping full control of the vehicle and so you can check for dangers and obstacles all around you.
Keep close to the kerb all of the time you are reversing, but do not mount or hit the kerb. As appropriate.
Reversing your car in some situations may be dangerous for you and other road users.
When should you not reverse?
On a motorway or dual carriageway – if you miss your exit you must continue to the next exit and NEVER reverse your car. A maximum £2,500 fine and three penalty points are given to drivers who reverse on a motorway or dual carriageway
If you are on a side road do not reverse into a main road
For a longer distance than necessary. The Highway Code states that ‘you must not reverse your vehicle further than necessary’
In any situation where you do not feel it is safe to reverse.
If necessary go round the long way.
At a low speed, what does how fast the car move depend on?
How high up you bring the clutch
How much gas you give
The slope of the road
Parking observations
Because this sort of parking is normally in a tight space keeping a good look out is important.
Have a good look around to make sure no one is in your way. Keep an eye on your side mirrors.
This will tell you how close you are to things like the kerb or the lines of the bay you are parking in.
As you go back also make sure you have a look behind you through the rear windscreen.
Things to remember when parallel parking
Continual obs in all mirrors and back window
Don’t steer too early
Take as much time as you need - can stop in diff places
Can make adjustments as necessary
If another car approaches, stop until they stop
Busy test route road - cars can appear suddenly - keep good obs
Parallel parking without stopping
Can have brief pauses, but mainly one motion
Can just stop when you feel you need to
Importance of keeping it slow and controlled
Maintain good observations
Parallel parking uphill
Use accelerator more to prevent clutch burning out
May be easier to stop more often to maintain control
Parallel parking downhill
Use brake to control speed
Right reverse
The examiner will ask you to stop on the right in a safe place.
Firstly you will need to check your surroundings and decide how your stopping will affect other road users.
If there are any cars or pedestrians around we will need to signal so they know what we are about to do.
If there are oncoming vehicles you will need to give way. This is similar to pulling up on the right, stop at your point of turn and wait.
Consider the timing of your signal if there is a junction on the right. Will it look like you’re pulling into the junction?
Once you’ve parked you will be asked to reverse back 2 car lengths, keeping close to the curb.
As with all reversing you will need to be constantly checking your surroundings and stopping for any hazards.
Keep the car close to the curb making small adjustments as you go.
Now it’s time to move off again. Check all around you, remembering you are crossing the oncoming traffic. Once you are happy it’s safe to move off, move back onto the left and off you go.
Qs to ask when checking surroundings in right reverse
Are there any cars behind?
Do we need a signal?
Are there any oncoming cars?
Are there any junctions nearby that may affect our decisions?
Where can I stop safely?
When do I need to move across to give me time to position correctly?
Steps in a forward bay park
- Pull up so 1/2 way in space before the one you want
- Hug white line on left
- 6 point check
- Signal right
- Begin moving forwards - right blindspot check
- Full lock right
- As enter space, begin to straighten up
- 1 1/4 to left to finishing straightening
- 6 point check before reversing out
- Wait until 1/2 way out of space before steering (imagine cars on either side)
Things to remember when forward bay parking
Continual obs in all mirrors and rear windscreen
Can reverse and pull forwards again
Use space in front to help know whether in lines