Manipulation of Estrous Flashcards
What is synchronization of estrus?
- Timing the onset of estrus (heat behavior) and the events leading to ovulation of fertile oocytes is determined by human actions
- A group of females display estrus (heat) and ovulate fertile oocytes within a few hours of each other
- Purpose of estrous synchronization is to allow group-mating (usually using artificial insemination)
What does the hypothalamus do for the estrous cycle?
- Releases small peptides - GnRH is important
- Causes pituitary release of FSH and LH
What are the actions of GnRH
- Causes release of Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Ovulation or luteinization
- Initiates new follicular wave
- CL formation
What does the Corpus Luteum do?
- Produces progesterone to prepare the uterus for the egg
- P4 acts on the brain to override estrogen to prevent estrus behavior
What are the actions of Progesterone?
- Secreted by CL
- Suppress estrus and ovulation
- Pregnancy maintenance
- “Jump starts” anestrus females
- We control the estrous cycle by controlling the progesterone level (CL)
- Regu-Mate, MGAA, and CIDR inserts
What is the role of the Uterus?
- Produces PGF2a when NOT pregnant by the endometrium
- Lyse the CL and initiates the process that leads to ovulation
Why is synchronization of estrus done in cows?
Enhance the utilization of artificial insemination
What methods are used to synchronize Ovine estrus?
- Prostaglandin F2a
- Progestogen alone (or with hCG + eCG)
How can gilts be rushed to puberty with hormonal treatment?
- Gilts should be within 1 month of natural puberty (6-7 mo)
- Give single injection of a combination of eCG and hCG
- 50-70% of prepubertal gilts will exhibit estrus within 7 days
- NOT bred on puberal estrus
- Will not result in predictable timing of estrus in gilts that are already cycling
- Can inject PGF2a 18 days after hCG to tighten estrus synchrony of the subsequent cycle
How can estrus be synchronized in gilts that are already cycling?
- PG600-PG strategy does NOT work
- swine CL is resistant to PGF2a until late in diestrus (> d12)
- Abortifacient activity of PGF2a - pen mate gilts for 3 weeks and then give PGF2a two weeks later
- CL will lyse - ⇣P4 ⇢ embryo resorption ⇢ return to estrus in 4 - 5 days
- Can feed progestogen for 18-19 days - will return to estrus in 4 - 5 days
How is estrus manipulated in horses?
- Manipulating ONSET of estrus is easier than predicting//synchronizing ovulation
How does lactation affect the estrus cycle in swine?
- Estrus in lactating sows is usually controlled by weaning the piglets
- STRONG lactational anestrous
- Delayed return to estrus seen in some genetic lines
- Strategy:
- PGF2a w/n 24h of farrowing (parturition)
- PG 600 at time of weaning
How can Estrus be manipulated in Equines?
- Manipulating onset is easier than predicting/synchronizing ovulation
- Compared to bovine/ovine - much longer estrus period (4-7 days)
- Variable timing of ovulation relative to estrus
- Therefore - still need to palpate/ultrasound ovaries
- Estrus manipulation/synchronization benefits:
- Efficient use of stallion
- Ability to schedule breeding
- Synchronization of recipients for ET
- Approved Treatments:
- PGF2a
- Progestogen (Regu-Mate)
What are the possible side-effects of PGF2a in mares?
- Onset 5-60 minutes after injection
- Sweating
- Colic (⇡ GIT motility)
- ⇡ Heart rate
- weakness and ataxia
How does PGF2a alter the estrus cycle in the mare?
- Need lower does than cattle
- CL can be lysed in late estrus during diestrus (≥5 days after ovulation)
- Side effects can be pronounced
- 2 injections 14 days apart
- 60% in estrus w/n 4 days
- 90% in estrus w/n 6 days
- Ovulation 2-12 days after last injection
- mares with larger follicles at time of injection will ovulate sooner than mares with small follicles
How does Progestogen alter the estrus cycle in the mare?
- Acts to prolong the luteal phase of the cycle
- suppresses LH but not FSH
- Synchronizes estrus but not ovulation
- Give PO for at least 10 days
- PGF2a is given last day of P4
- Estrus begins 4 to 7 days after removal of P4
- Ovulation occurs 7 to 12 days after P4
- Can combine with deslorelin acetate (injection or implant) - GnRH analog
- Will induce ovulation w/n 48 hours in mares with a >30mm follicle
- Also prevents estrus in competition horses
How can the estrus cycle be manipulated in the canine?
- No products available to induce/manipulate a fertile estrus
- Bitch is NOT poly-estrus, therefore minimal opportunity to manipulate cycle
- Milbolerone is approved to prevent estrus in non-breeding females
How does Milbolerone manipulate estrus in canines?
- Androgenic steroid
- Blocks LH
- No estrogenic activity
- Daily oral administration
- Will prevent estrus if given at least 30 days prior to proestrus
- Reported to give >90% efficacy
- Discontinue after 24 months