Manipulating genomes Flashcards
Define DNA sequencing
Working out the sequence of bases in a strand of DNA
Define terminator bases
Modified versions of the four nucleotide bases which stop DNA synthesis when they are included
Define high-throughput sequencing
New methods of sequencing DNA that are automated, very rapid and much cheaper than the original
Describe the steps in DNA sequencing (the capillary method).
- DNA is mixed with a primer (DNA polymerase), an excess of normal nucleotides and terminator bases
- The mixture is placed in a thermal cycle that rapidly changes temperature at programmed intervals in repeated cycle
- 96 degrees- double-stranded DNA is broken into single strands
- 50 degrees- primers anneal to the DNA strand
- 60 degrees- DNA polymerase starts to build up new DNA strands by adding nucleotides with complementary base to the single strand DNA template - Each time a terminator is incorporated instead of a normal nucleotide the synthesis of DNA is terminated as no more bases can be added. Terminators are in lower amounts and added at random so you get many DNA fragments of different lengths depending on where they were added during the process
- After many cycles all the possible DNA chains will be produced and the DNA fragments are separated according to their length by capillary sequencing- like gel electrophoresis in minute capillary tubes.
- The fluorescent markers on the terminator bases are used to identify the final base on each fragment. Lasers detect the different colours and thus the order of the sequence.
- The order of bases in the capillary tube shows the sequence of the new, complementary strand of DNA which has been made. This is used to build up sequence of the original DNA strand
- The data from the sequencing process is fed into a computer that reassembles the genomes by comparing all the fragments and finding areas of overlap between them.
What is the purpose of DNA sequencing
- Identify genes or parts of the genome that code for specific characteristics
- Medical researchers want to identify regions that are linked with particular diseases
Describe the reasons for developing new DNA sequencing technologies.
- More efficient- a lot quicker to use high-throughput sequencing
- Cheaper- so more can be sequenced
Define bioinformatics
The development of the software and computing tools needed to analyse and organise raw biological data
Define computational biology
The study of biology using computational techniques to analyse large amounts of data
Define genome
All of the genetic material of an organism
Define DNA barcoding
Technique that identifies particular sections of the genome that are common to all species but vary between them so comparisons can be made. The aim is to identify different species genome.
Define proteomics
It is the study of amino acid sequencing of an organism’s entire protein complement
Define synthetic biology
The design and construction of novel biological pathways, organisms or devices or the redesign of existing natural biological systems
Define epidemiology
Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations.
Explain why new DNA sequencing methods are allowing genome-wide comparisons between individuals and between species.
- Genome analysis provides scientists with another tool to aid in species identification, by comparison to a standard sequence for the species.
- DNA barcoding
Explain why the comparison of many human genomes may help the understating and treatment of human illness.
- Computers can analyse and compare the genomes of many individuals, revealing patterns in the DNA we inherit and the diseases to which we are vulnerable
- But scientists increasingly recognise that apart from a few relatively rare genetic diseases caused by changes in a single genes, that our genes work together to affect our physical characteristics, out physiology, and our likelihood of developing certain diseases.
Describe 4 reasons why scientists may want to analyse the genomes of pathogens.
It enables:
- Doctors to find out the source of an infection e.g bird flu or MRSA in hospital
- Doctors to identify antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, ensuring antibiotics are only used when they will be effective and helpful prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance.
- Scientists to track the progress of an outbreak of a potentially serious disease and monitor potential epidemics
- Scientists to identify regions in the genome of pathogens that may be useful targets in the development of new drugs and to identify genetic markers for use in vaccine.
Describe how DNA sequencing allows scientists to identify the evolutionary relationships between species.
- DNA sequences of different organisms can be compared
- Because the basic mutation rate of DNA can be calculated, scientists can calculate how long ago two species diverged from a common ancestor
- It allows scientists to build up evolutionary trees with an accuracy they have had before.
Explain why, in theory, knowing a DNA sequence should allow you to identify the sequence of amino acids in the protein that the DNA sequence codes for. Also, explain why, in practice, this doesn’t always provide the correct sequence of amino acids in the protein.
- Traditionally it was thought that genes code for a particular protein but we know there are a very different number of coding genes and number of unique proteins.
- The DNA sequence of the genome should enable you to predict the sequence of the amino acids in all of the proteins it produces
- The evidence is that the sequence of the amino acids is not always what would be predict from the genome sequence alone, some genes can code for many different proteins
Describe 4 techniques that could be classified as “synthetic biology”. Describe the role of DNA sequencing in each technique.
- Genetic engineering- may involve a single change in a biological or relatively major genetic modification of an entire organism
- Use of biological systems or parts of biological systems in industrial contexts e.g. use of fixed or immobilised enzymes and the production of drugs from microorganisms
- The synthesis of new genes to replace faulty genes e.g developing treatments for cystic fibrosis
- The synthesis of an entire new organisms e.g scientists created an artificial genome which successfully replaced the original genome in a bacterium
Define DNA profiling
Producing an image of the patterns in the non-coding DNA of an individual
Define exon
Regions of coding DNA or RNA
Define intron
Regions of non-coding DNA or RNA that are removed from messenger RNA before it is translated
Define locus
The location of a gene (or of a significant sequence) on a chromosome
Define variable number tandem repeat
(VNTRs) Short sequences of DNA that are repeated many times and they vary greatly in number among individuals
Define minisatellite
A region where a sequence of 20-50 base pairs will be repeated from 50 to several hundred times. These occur at more than 1000 locations in the human genome and are also known as VNTRs
Define microsatellite
A smaller region of just 2-4 bases repeated only 5-15 times. Also known as short tandem repeats (STRs)
Define short tandem repeats
A smaller region of just 2-4 bases repeated only 5-15 times.
Describe how STRs vary and why they can be used to identify individuals
- These satellites always appear in the same positions on the chromosomes, but the number of repeats of each mini/micro satellites varies between individuals, as different lengths of repeats are inherited from both parents
- Only identical twins will have an identical satellite pattern
Name the 5 main stages in DNA profiling
- Extracting the DNA
- Digesting the sample- restriction endo-nucleases cut the DNA into fragments
- Separating the DNA fragments- Separated using gel electrophoresis and then Southern blotting
- Hybridisation- DNA probes are added to label the fragments. Radioactive probes attach to specific fragments
- Seeing the evidence
Describe the extracting DNA step in DNA profilling
- DNA must be extracted from a tissue sample
- Large samples used to be needed
- But now using a technique called polymerase chain reaction, the tiniest fragment of tissue can give scientists enough DNA to develop a profile
Describe the digesting the sample step in DNA profilling
- The strands of DNA are cut into small fragments using special enzymes called restriction endonucleases
- Different endonucleases cut DNA at a specific nucleotide sequence, known as a restriction site or recognition site
- All restriction endonucleases make two cuts, one through each strand of DNA double helix
- Restriction endonucleases give scientists the ability to cut the DNA strands at defined points in the introns
- They use a mixture of restriction enzymes that leave the repeating units or satellites intact, so the fragments at the end of the process include a mixture of intact mini and microsatellite regions.
Describe the separating the DNA fragments step in DNA profilling
- Gel electrophoresis- a technique that utilises the way charged particles move through a gel medium under the influence of an electric current.
- The gel is then immersed in alkali in order to separate the DNA double strands into single strands
- The single-stranded DNA fragments are then transferred onto a membrane by Southern blotting
Describe the hybridisation step in DNA profilling
- Radioactive or fluorescent DNA probes are now added in excess to the DNA fragments on the membrane.
- DNA probes are short DNA or RNA sequences complementary to a known DNA sequence.
- They bind to the complementary strands of DNA under particular conditions of pH and temperature.
- DNA probes identify the microsatellite regions that are more varied than the larger minisatellite regions.
- The excess probes are washed off
Describe the seeing the evidence step in DNA profilling
- If radioactive labels were added to the DNA probes, X-ray images are taken of the paper/ membrane
- If fluorescent labels were added to the DNA probes, the paper/ membrane is placed under UV light so the fluorescent tags glow- most common method today
- The fragments give a pattern of bars which is unique to every individual except identical twins
Describe how to separate nucleic acid fragments by electrophoresis
- DNA fragments are put into wells of agarose gel strips which also contain a buffering solution
- DNA fragments of known length are used to provide a reference for fragment sizing
- When an electric current is passed through the electrophoresis plate, the DNA fragments in the wells at the cathode end move through the gel towards the positive anode
- This is due to the negatively charged phosphate groups in the DNA fragments
- Rate of movement depends on the mass or length of the fragments- gel has mesh structure- smaller fragments can move through more easily than larger fragments. So smaller fragments move further.
- It is put in alkaline buffer solution to denature the DNA fragments. The two DNA strands of each fragment separate, exposing the bases
What is the technique called Southern blotting
- The DNA strands produced from gel electrophoresis are transferred to nitrocellulose paper or a nylon membrane, which is placed over the gel.
- The membrane is covered with several sheets of dry absorbant paper, drawing the alkaline solution containing the DNA through the membrane by capillary action.
- They are transferred in precisely the same relative positions as they had on the gel. They are then fixed in place using UV light or heated at 80 degrees
Suggest how DNA profiling can be used to answer questions about identity in different situations.
- Forensic science- PCR and DNA profiling is performed on traces of DNA left at the crime scene. The DNA profile is compared to that of a sample taken from a suspect or can be identified on the criminal DNA database
- DNA profiling is also used to prove paternity of a child- used in immigration cases
- Identify species to which an organism belongs and identify evolutionary relationships between different species
- Identify individuals who are at risk of developing particular diseases. Certain non-coding microsatellites, or the repeating patterns they make have been found to be associated with an increased risk of a particular disease
Describe how DNA can be amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- The DNA sample to be amplified, an excess of the four nucleotide bases, small primer DNA sequences and the enzyme DNA polymerase are mixed in a vial that is placed in a PCR machine
- Separating the strands- The temperature of the PCR machine is increased to 90-95 degrees for 30 seconds, this denatures the DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds holding the DNA strands together so they separate
- Annealing of the primers- The temperature is decreased to 55-60 degrees and the primers bind to the ends of the DNA strands. They are needed for the replication of the strands to occur.
- Synthesis of DNA- The temperature is increased again to 72-75 degrees for at least 1 minute, this is the optimum temperature for DNA polymerase.
- DNA polymerase adds bases to the primer, building up complementary strands of DNA and so produce double-stranded DNA identical to the original sequence. 6. The enzyme Taq polymerase is used, which is obtained from thermophilic bacteria found in hot springs.
Define DNA primer
A primer is a short strand of RNA or DNA that serves as a starting point for DNA synthesis.
Define gene therapy
the introduction of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders.
Define somatic cell gene therapy
Replacing a faulty gene with a healthy allele in affected somatic cells
Define germ line cell gene therapy
Inserting a healthy allele into the germ cells or into a very early embryo
Describe the principle of somatic gene therapy in medicine
- Replacing the mutant allele with a healthy allele in affected somatic cells.
- However it is only a temporary solution for the treated individual. The healthy allele will be passed on every time a cell divides by mitosis.
- But somatic cells have a limited life and are replaced from stem cells which will have the faulty allele.
- A treated individual will still pass the faulty allele on to any children they have
Describe the principle of germ line gene therapy in medicine
- Insert healthy allele into the germ cells usually the eggs- or into a embryo immediately after fertilisation (as part of IVF).
- The individual would be born healthy with a normal allele in place and would pass it on to their own offspring
- Such therapy has been successfully done with animal embryos but is illegal for human embryos in most countries
- Concerns is that the potential impact of intervention in germ cells is unknown
- And human rights of unborn embryo
- And ethical concern that the technology might eventually be used to enable people to choose desirable characteristics.
Name 5 diseases for which successful somatic cell gene therapy treatments have been reported.
- People have regained some vision
- Immune disease
- Leukaemias
- Myelomas
- Haemophilia