manipulating genomes Flashcards
the genome
all the genetic material an organism contains . 2 percent exons, large non coding reigons (introns) removed from mrna before translation into polypeptide chains
minisatelite vs microsatellite
miisatelite- 20-50 base pairs repeated 100 times
microsatellite- 2-4 bases repeated 5-15 times
identical twins = identical satellite pattern
electrophesis extra points
dna attaches to the anode due to negatively charged phosphate groups, when smallest fragments reach the end, the electric current is switched off
gel placed in alkaline buffer solution - denatures dna fragements to expose the bases
southern blottoing technique used, strands transferred into nitrocellulose paper/ nylon membrane placed over gel - membrane covered w sheets of dry absorbent paper to draw alkaline solution containing dna through membrane by capillary action .
the process of DNA sequencing
- dna sequencing mixed with primer, polymerase and terminator bases
- mixture placed in thermal cycler- goes through speerating strands and annealing primers by sswithcing from 96 to 50 degrees @ repeated cycles
- 60 degrees, dna poylymerase builds new strands by adding nucleotides to single strand dna
- every time terminator base incoroporated ( terminator bases were added in lower amounts) , results in dna framgents of diff lengths depending on where in chain it got incorporated.
- eventually, all possible dna chains will be produced w reaction being stopped at every base
- dna fragment seperated by length according to capillary sequencing, woks like gel electrophesis
- flourescent markers identify final base of each fragment and laers detect diff colours and order of sequence
- order of bases in capillary tuebs show seq of new, complementary strand of dna which is made. used to build up sequence of original dna strand
- data from sequencing process fed int ocomputer to assemble genome . scientists use it to find bits that code for specific characteristics linked to diseases etc..
uses of dna profiling
performed on traces of dna left at scrime scene
assists in identification of individuals or familial relationships
. identifying ppl at risk of developing diseases
.allows for risk asessments
dna sequencing
first: sanger developed technqiues for sequencing nucleic acids from viruses and then bacteria- involved radioactive labelling of bases and gel electrophesis (flourescent tags use as ALTERNATIVE!)
scientists all over the world worked together to map genome .
developing tech and faster sequencing techniques= allowed for faster mapping of human genome
next gen sequencing
high throughput sequencing
.eg sequencing reaction takes place of plastic slide (flow cell) instead of gel . allows large clusters to be sequenced and imaged at the same time (with terminator bases ) - “massively paralell sequencing “
.reduced costs, and more efficient ( Sequencing is much faster)
bio informatics etc..
computers than help anayse raw biologica data eg development of algorithms, mathematical models etc ( makes sense of enormous data )
. important in working out 3d structures of proteins and understanding gene regulation - tldr helps use info from dna sequencing eg identifying genes linked to diseases
analysing structure and function of genomes
.realisation that genes worked with environment to affect physiology and likelihood of disease development
sequencing pathogen genomes allows doctors and scientists to….
find source of infection
.identify antibiotic resistant bacteria so antibiotics used
only when effective+ tracking trnasmissions of TB so it can be treated as it spreads quickly around the world
.scientists: track outbreak of dsiease
.scientsits: identify reigons of pathogen genome to develop new drugs
dna barcoding ( an example of genome sequencing )
identifies sections of genomes that are common to all species but vary between them.
ibol- identfiying species using short sections of dna from genome- chosen section is 648 base pair of cytochrome c oxidase - small enough to be sequenced quickly + cheaply and varies anough to give clear differences
. suitable reigons for barcoding in fungi and bacteria nto identified yet so yo ucant barcode them
use of genome seqwuencing
evolutionary relatin ship- calculating basic mutation rate of dna allows to calculate how long ago sepcies diversion occured from common ancestor
genomics and proteomics
proteomics, study of amino acid sequences
. dna sequence allows prediction of sequence of amino acids in proteins produced . some genes code for many proteins
exons that are removed adn to be translated from dna during transcirption joined together by enzyme complexes (Specilosomes) to give mature functional mrna thus one gene= produce any versions of functional mrna- thus code for diff amino aicds= thus phenotypes