enzymes Flashcards
what do R groups do
puts strain on the substrate bonds; helps reaction along!
extracellular eznymes
break down polymers/ polysacharides that are otherwise too large to enter the cell
temperature coefficient
qa0-> measure of how much rate of reaction increase with 10 degree rise in temperature
differences in optimum temperature enzymes between different organisms
organism in hot conditions have higher optimum temperatures
vice versa
why is there a rapid decline in rate ?
there only needs to be a slight changei n active sit after 40 degree temperature
percusor enzymes
inactive; can damage cells and only acitvatedu nder standard coditions
need to undergo shape change to active site via cofactor addition
percussor protein=- apoenzyme , cofactor activates apoenzyme to holoenzyme
coenzymes enzsure that
active sites are correctly formed !
green box ( practical) : investigation into effects of differetn factors on enzyme activity!
use catalse :
catalyses breakdown ofhydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen - vol of oxygen gas collected used as measure of rate.
- liver tissue put into h2o2 solution - vol of oxygen released every 5 seconds measured
2nd experiment liver boiled for 5 minutes- then placed into h2o2 solution
(boiled liver rekeased much elss oxygen that normal liver )
green box: serial dilutions
done in factors of 10 to produce range of concentrations .
useful even if conc of initial solution= unknown as htey give relative concentrations
.used to investgate effect ofchanging conc on enzyme activity, determinign numberso f microorganisms in culture
eg + 1 ml water to 9ml stock, gives 10 ml dilute solution- hence 1/10 dilution. repeat to get more dilution
how can serial dilution be used for liver experiments ?
liver or potato has lots of catalse- broken down to make solution- solution contains catalse released from cells. serial dilutions give diff concs. effect of diff concs on rate of reaction- investigated by adding equal vol of h2o2 to each solution