Maneuvers Flashcards
Taxiing - Objective
Safely maneuver the airplane on ground
Taxiing - Procedures
- After engine start, align heading indicator with magnetic compass
- Obtain taxi clearance.
- Apply crosswind correction.
- Release brakes, and gently apply brakes for brakes test
- Release brakes, add power to initiate forward movement.
- Once the aircraft is moving forward, steering would be possible. Control steering with rudder pedals and differential braking.
- As you turn, check the heading indicator if it turns in the same direction, turn coordinator if its banked in the same direction of your turn, and the coordination ball if it is in the opposite direction of your turn.
Straight and Level - Objective
Maintain altitude and airspeed
Straight and Level - Procedures
- Adjust power to cruising power (2200 RPM).
- Select visual reference and align nose level with the horizon.
- If aircraft is not level, apply corrections. If right wing is low, add left aileron and left rudder. If left wing is low, add right aileron and right rudder.
- Trim.
- Check airspeed indicator for constant airspeed.
- Check heading indicator for constant heading.
- Check turn coordinator for wings level.
- Check attitude indicator and set movable dot level with the horizon.
- Check altimeter for constant altitude.
- Check vsi for 0 rate of climb and descent.
Shallow and Medium Turns - Objective
Change or return to a desired heading by entering, maintaining, and rolling out a shallow (0-20) or medium (20-45) bank, using constant power and holding constant altitude.
Shallow and Medium Turns - Procedures
- Select a training area where terrain is appropriate and emergency landing site is available.
- Select altitude to maintain.
- Clearing turns.
- Trim.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Coordinate aileron and rudder.
- Apply elevator back pressure to maintain altitude.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Maintain bank with ailerons.
- Maintain coordination with rudder.
- Maintain altitude with elevator.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Anticipate roll out heading.
- Release aileron, rudder, and elevator.
Steep Turns - Objective
Turn 360 using a steep (more than 45) bank, maintaining constant altitude and airspeed.
Steep Turns - Procedure
- Select a training area where terrain is appropriate and emergency landing site is available.
- Select altitude to maintain.
- Clearing turns.
- Trim.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Coordinate aileron and rudder.
- Apply elevator back pressure to maintain altitude.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Maintain bank with ailerons.
- Maintain coordination with rudder.
- Maintain altitude with elevator.
- Apply power to maintain airspeed.
- Apply opposite rudder to prevent overbanking.
- Look outside, peek inside.
- Anticipate roll out heading.
- Release aileron, rudder, and elevator.
- Exit the maneuver at the same altitude and airspeed you entered the maneuver.
- Adjust power to cruising power.
Slow flight - Objectives
Fly the airplane at airspeeds just above the stall speed without stalling the airplane.
Slow flight - Procedures
- Carb heat - on
- Power - 1700rpm
- Attitude - Nose up
- Trim
- Flaps - 10
- Attitude - Push nose level
- Power - Add
- Trim
- Flaps - 20
- Attitude - Push nose level
- Power - Add
- Trim
- Flaps - 30
- Attitude - Push nose level
- Power - Add
- Trim
Flaps recovery
17. Flaps - 20
18. Power - reduce
19. Attitude - Pull Nose level
20. Trim
21. Flaps - 10
22. Power - reduce
23. Attitude - Pull Nose level
24. Trim
25. Flaps - 0
26. Power - reduce
27. Attitude - Pull Nose level
28. Trim
Full Recovery
29. Power - 2200 RPM
30. Attitude - Nose level
31. Carburetor Heat - off
32. Trim.
Power off stalls - Objectives
Stall the airplane without power, in the landing configuration, and recover with a minimal loss in altitude.
Power off stalls - Procedures
- Carb Heat - On
- Power - Idle
- Attitude - nose up
- Flaps - 1, 2, 3
Approaching 45-50 KIAS
5. Release elevator back pressure. Assist in nose down attitude
6. Power - Full
7. Carb Heat - Off
Approaching 70 KIAS
8. Attitude - Level off
9. Flaps - Retract
10. Power - 2200RPM
Power On Stall - Objectives
Stall the airplane with power, and in the takeoff configuration, then recover with a minimal loss in altitude.
Power On Stall - Procedures
- Power - 1700 RPM
- Attitude - Nose up
- Flaps 1
Approaching 45-50 KIAS
4. Release elevator back pressure. Assist in nose down attitude
Approaching 70 KIAS
5. Attitude - Level off
6. Flaps - Retract
7. Power - 2200 RPM
S - Turns - Objective
Fly a series of s-turns across a line ground feature with semicircles of equal size, accounting for wind, and maintaining constant altitude and airspeed.