What are the branches of V3
undivided and divided nerve
what are the nerves under the undivided nerve
nerve to medial pterygoid muscle aka interior pterygoid muscle
motor nerve
In four branches of the anterior division, what muscles that has motor nerve
masseter, temporalis,external pterygoid or the lateral pterygoid muscle
what nerve that has sensation and it is innervate the buccal mucosa and buccal gingiva in the molar area
long buccal nerve
what are the 4 branches of anterior division?
nerve to masseter
nerve to temporalis
nerve to lateral pterygoid or the external pterygoid
long buccal nerve
what are the branches of posterior division
inferior alveolar nerve
lingual nerve
mylohyoid nerve
auriculotemporal nerve
it will go down and enter the bone
inferior alveolar nerve
it will go lingually, outside the bone and towards the tongue
lingual nerve
it will go down to the floor of the mouth and serves as motor nerve
mylohyoid nerve
it will go up to the ear
auriculotemporal nerve
positioned lingual side of the bone
mandibular foramen
positioned in the buccal side of the bone
mental foramen
branch of IAN, goes anteriorly to the bone going to the midline
incisive nerve
will go up to the mental foramen and its outside the bone and innervated only the soft tissue
mental nerve
after it enters in the mandibular foramen, it will give off the branches to supply the pulp tissue of the molars
inferior alveolar nerve
as it continues anteriorly, what tissues did the incisive nerve innervates
pulp tissue of the premolar, canine and incisors
what nerve will exit the foramen, running to the lip, labial mucosa, chin and submental area
mental nerve
after the mental nerve, it will go to tongue area
lingual nerve
part of the posterior division that only innervates the soft tissue
mental and lingual nerve
dental plexus of the mandible
inferior alveolar nerve and incisive nerve
most important and most frustrating technique in dentistry
IAN nerve block
what nerves anesthesize by the IAN block?
IAN, mental, incisive and lingual nerve
what are the indications of IANB?
procedures on multiple mandibular teeth.
buccal soft tissue and lingual soft tissue anesthesia is necessary
what are the contraindications of IANB?
infection or acute inflammation in the area of injection.
patients who might bit their lip or tongue.
objective of IANB?
direct the needle into the pterygomandibular space as close to the IAN so that the local anesthesia deposited in close proximity to the nerve.
what are the anatomic boundaries of pterygomandibular space anteriorly? posteriorly? superiorly? inferiorly? medially? laterally?
anterior: posterior border of the buccal plate
posterior: parotid gland
superior: lateral pterygoid muscle
inferior: inferior border of the mandible
medial: medial pterygoid muscle
lateral: ascending ramus of the mandible
what significant landmarks where the bone stop?
ascending ramus of the mandible
contents of pterygomandibular space
third division of trigeminal nerve
inferior alveolar nerve
sphenomandibular ligament
what happen to sensory and motor nerve when unwanted effect happen?
sensory nerve produce paresthesia
motor nerve will paralyzed
what is the target when we do the IANB?
slightly superior to the mandibular foramen at the height of coronoid notch
where is the coronoid notch located?
at the depression in the anterior ascending ramus
what is the height of injection in IANB?
6-10mm of coronoid notch