Mandatory Competency - Flash Cards - H&S
What is the Pre-construction information pack?
A Pre-Construction Information Pack is included with the Tender Documents and provides information to bidding contractors on:
- Description of the project
- Client considerations and management requirements,
- Environmental restrictions and existing on site risks,
- Significant design and construction hazards,
- Information on the format / presentation of the health and safety file
Who is responsible for H&S?
The client is responsible for making arrangements for managing their project to ensure that health and safety risks are managed in a proportionate way. They must:
- Appoint competent duty holders.
- Allow sufficient time and resources.
- Prepare and provide relevant information to duty holders.
- Ensure that the Principal Designer and Contractor carry out their duties.
- Ensure welfare facilities.
What is included in a H&S file?
A) a brief description of the work carried out
B) any residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with (e.g surveys or info concerning asbestos; contaminated land; water bearing strata; buried services etc)
C) key structural principles and safe working loads for floors and roofs
D) hazardous materials used (for example lead paint; pesticides; special coatings which should not be burnt off etc);,
E) information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment (for example any special arrangements for lifting, order or other special instructions for dismantling etc)
F) health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining the structure
G) the nature, location and markings of significant services, including underground cables; gas supply equipment; fire-fighting services etc
H) information and as-built drawings of the structure, its plant and equipment
When is a BS a designer?
Under the CDM regulations, the BS is described as a ‘designer’ as they carry out work in connection with the structure or parts of the structure, make decisions on which materials will be used and on the preferred construction processes. There are five main responsibilities of designers
What is CDM?
Construction, design and management regulations 2015
What is CDM and what does it mean?
Improves safety on site through design, planning and management
What do CDM regulations state?
Approved code of practice which gives advice on how to comply with HSE law.
What is an F10?
Notification of a project to the HSE detailing numbers on site, location, which local authority it’s in, when, duration.
What are your responsibilities as a BS?
- Eliminate hazards and reduce risks during, design
- Provide information about remaining risks
- Check client is aware of their duties
- Check HSE has been notified,
- Provide any information needed for the health and safety file, by the end of the project
- Check own competence,
- Cooperate with others and coordinate work so as to ensure the health and safety of construction workers
What is the CSCS?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
On site what safety precautions would you expect to see on site?
Accident book, site security, first aid, fire extinguishers, PPE, visitor sign in book (for fire evacuation)
What information do you have to provide the HSE with?
Form F10 rev 1
If the CDM Co-ordinator is negligent who is responsible?
The Client, as they have to appoint someone competent.
Who is responsible for health and safety pre and post contract?
Client pre and contractor post
What areas of site construction work with regard to prevention of accidents?
Trips, working at height, confined space, hot permits, joint fire code
If you see a S/C not complying with safety regs, what would you do?
Tell them to stop and notify the contractor
Where is the H&S file kept when the project finishes?
Remains with the finished building for use by future tenant/ landlord
What is the contractors responsibility regarding H&S?
- check clients are aware of their duties
- satisfy themselves that they and anyone they employ or engage are competent and adequately resourced
- plan, manage and monitor their own work to make sure that workers under their control are safe
- ensure that any contractor who they appoint or engage to work on the project is informed of the minimum amount of time which will be allowed for them to plan and prepare before starting work on site
- provide workers under their control with any necessary information, including about relevant aspects of other contractors’ work, and site induction (where not provided by a principal contractor) which they need to work safely, to report problems or to respond appropriately in an emergency
- co-operate with others and co-ordinate their work with others working on the project
- ensure the workforce is properly consulted on matters affecting their health and safety; and, obtain specialist advice
How do CDM regulation influence the preparation of an estimate?
CDM influences the preparation of an estimate by requiring the Cost Manager to make adequate provision to ensure all obligations are priced unless specifically excluded.
What are the latest asbestos regulations and who is the duty holder?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The duty holder is the owner of the premises or the person or organisation that has clear responsibility for the maintenance or repair of the premises.
Who would need to be informed if the contractor found contaminated land
Environmental Agency should be informed of any land contamination that is found.
When do the CDM regulations not apply
CDM regulations apply to all construction projects except domestic clients.
Who is the principal designer?
The principal designer is appointed by the client and is responsive for managing H&S pre-construction. They :
- Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety (pre-construction).
- Identify, eliminate or control foreseeable risks.
- Ensure Client and designers are aware of their duties and advise the Client on bringing together the pre-construction information.
- Provide relevant information to other duty holders.
- Liaise with Principal Contractor in the planning management, monitoring and coordination of the construction phase
Is there any additional responsibilities upon the client and principle contractor under the CDM regulations?
The Client must take reasonable steps to ensure there is adequate time and resources to enable the construction work is carried out without risk to health and safety. Also to ensure that adequate resources is assigned to ensure any structure designed for use as a place of work can be used without risk to health and safety. The Client must also provide all reasonably expected information which is relevant to health and safety for the those involved in the project e.g. soil investigations, asbestos surveys, existing services routes, capacities and conditions, existing structure information.
What are the categories of duty holders under the CDM Regulations?
Commercial clients, Domestic clients, Designers, Principal designer, Contractors, Principal contractor, Workers
What constitutes a designer under the CDM Regulations?
Organisations or individuals who as part of a business, prepare or modify designs for a building, product or system relating to construction work.
What types of contract are not covered under the CDM regulations
All construction is covered by CDM regulations except works which are to be undertaken by a domestic client.
What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
• Step 1 - Identify the hazards.
• Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how.
• Step 3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
• Step 4 - Record your findings and implement them.
• Step 5 - Review your assessment and update if necessary.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. (RIDDOR) requires the ‘responsible person’ to notify any death, reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence to the HSE (on-line or by phone for death and serious injuries). The responsible person is the employer or, for the self-employed, the contractor or principal contractor.
What is the role of the HSE?
To prevent work-related death, injury and ill-health
What are the powers of HSE?
Inspectors can visit without notice, however most are booked to encourage good H&S. They can impose sanctions including stop and improvement orders.
What is the considerate contractors scheme?
CCS was set up in 1997 & is responsible for improving the image of construction. It monitors all registered sites and ensures best practices are carried out in particular on items such as engaging with local communities and site cleanliness.
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
This is the primary piece of legislation governing H&S in the United Kingdom. It places a statutory duty on all employers to provide and maintain equipment and systems of works that are safe and without risk to the health and safety of employees, or others who may be affected by their undertaking.
What are the COSHH 2002 regulations?
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 is a Statutory Instrument that states general requirements on employers to protect employees and other persons from the hazards of substances used at work by risk assessment, control of exposure, health surveillance and incident planning. There are also duties on employees’ to take care of their own exposure to hazardous substances and prohibitions on the import of certain substances into the European Economic Area.
What is your company’s H&S policy?
Prevent work related injuries or illness and overall impact on the environment. At staff level:
- CSCS cards are mandatory for all surveyors
- Asbestos awareness training must be carried out
- Driver training modules
- Be responsible and report any near misses
- Risk assessments for all projects
- Use of AOS for lone works
What is RICS Surveying Safely?
RICS’s guidance on personal safety at work. Includes:
1) General Statement - Employers/Employees have a duty of care under law
2) Safety of Employees - actions that must be taken by employers. Special duty of care towards young/trainees.
3) Workplace – Fire & First Aid provisions.
4) Hazards and Risk Assessment requirements.
5) Visiting Sites - PPE, Lone working, Access provisions.
6) During Site Visits - Key hazards assessments including structures, roofs and contamination.
7) Safety of you and others – Everyone is to take responsibility of their own health & safety.
8) Legal Duties - Criminal Liability and CDM guidance.
Which accident kills the most operatives in construction?
Falls from height
What is the considerate contractors scheme?
Responsible for improving the image of construction. Monitors all registered sites -@ best practices incl. local engagement and site cleanliness
What is the Building Safety Act 2022?
Act created clear framework for design, construction and Managment of safer and higher quality homes. Ensure building safety is paramount following Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Childrens, WSCC - What is your duty under the CDM regulations on this project?
Designer - preparing or modifying designs, eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risk.
Childrens, WSCC - Is it your duty to ensure a PD was appointed?
No it is the clients duty, however dude to a change in the project team I took it upon myself to ascertain on behalf of the client.
Childrens, WSCC - What order should you be managing risk?
Eliminate, reduce and control.
Childrens, WSCC - Provide an example of how you have eliminates, reduced or controlled risk?
PV panel example.
Childrens, WSCC - What regulation do you refer to for working at height?
The Work at Heigh Regulations 2005 - Apply in any workplace, sets minimum safety standards for the use of equipment for work at height.
HDP - What PPE is required as a minimum?
Hard hat, high vis, site boots, gloves, goggles.
HDP - Who is responsible for enforcing PPE is worn on a construction site?
The contractor in change of the site.
HDP - Give an example of how you have taken responsibility in a safety related situation?
Scaffold ladders left open in a public place, requested contractor removes or lock off immediately.