Mandatory Competency - Flash Cards - DIT and Inclusive E
What is an inclusive environment?
Construction Industry Council (CIC) define an inclusive environment as ‘one that can be accessed and used safely, easily and with dignity by everyone’. Requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear communication, understanding of expectations and critical self-reflection.
What is inclusive design?
CABE guide, ‘The Principles of Inclusive Design’, inclusive design is defined as ‘making places everyone can use’. This removes barriers creating undue effort and separation, enabling all users to ‘participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday environments’.
Who is responsible for inclusive design?
All parties involved in the creation, maintenance and refurbishment of buildings
What are the key principles of inclusive design?
The CIC set out five key principles for inclusive design:
- Placing people at the heart of the design process
- Acknowledging diversity and difference
- Offering choice where a single solution cannot accommodate all users
- Providing flexibility in use
- Creating an environment that is convenient and enjoyable for all to use
What are some advantages of a diverse team?
Increased productivity, Increased creativity, Improved cultural awareness, A positive reputation
What legislation or regulations relate to inclusive environments?
- Equality Act 2010
- The Human Rights Act 1998
What does the Equality Act 2010 say about inclusive environments?
Enforces protection against discrimination based on the nine protected characteristics:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
What does the NPPF say about inclusive environments?
“designing the built environment, including buildings and their surrounding spaces, to ensure that they can be accessed and used by everyone.” The Planning Practice Guidance which sits under the NPPF sets this out in more detail.
What is Approved Document M of the Building Regulations?
Access to and use of buildings
What is the Equality Act 2010?
The Act provides a legal framework for the protection of the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all
Does the Equality Act apply to the whole of the UK?
The Act applies to Great Britain, which does not include Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland use the Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Who has a legal duty to comply with the Equality Act?
Public authorities must comply, private organisations must comply when providing public services and functions.
What is BS 8300?
Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment
What is the Changing Places campaign?
BS8300 specifically recommends that Changing Places toilets should be provided in larger buildings and complexes, such as:
- Transport interchanges
- railway stations and airports
- Motorway services
- Sport and leisure facilities
What is workplace diversity?
Relates to the acceptance and inclusion of employees of all backgrounds
What are some types of teams?
Office, Project, Accounts and Design
What are some examples of Team Working you have demonstrated?
Use specific experience - Working as a team to deliver a project, design team / project team.
What is the Tuckman Theory?
Focuses on how a team approaches a task, consists of 5 separate phases:
- Forming: Assembling of team
- Storming: Address task by suggesting ideas
- Norming: Agreeing rules and values of operation
- Performing: Identified by high levels of independence, motivation, knowledge and collaboration.
What is the Herzberg Theory?
Two factor motivational theory based on hygiene and motivational factors:
- Workers are encouraged to work harder based on motivational factors such as empowerment, job enlargement and job enrichment.
- Workers can become de-motivated if hygiene factors are not met such as remuneration, comfortable working conditions and annual leave entitlement.
What is meant by the term unconscious bias?
Refers to the associations and assumptions that a person may have about someone
solely because of their race, gender or disability
How do you promote equality, diversity and inclusion on projects?
Advocate for a diverse team composition, create open communication, establish and include decision making process, ensure all are heard.
How do you establish collaborative relationships?
Recognise individuals work differently, invite co-creation, encourage open communication, allow everyone to share ideas, offer mentorship.
What are reasonable adjustments?
In the Equality Act 2010, employers are required to make reasonable adjustments to any elements of a job which place a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage compared to a non-disabled person.
What is an example of a reasonable adjustment?
Allow flexible working arrangements, providing ergonomic chair, making adjustments to business premises.