Managing individuals Flashcards
Difference between nature and nurture
nature: is human personality, cognition and behaviour pre programmed?
- nurture: is human behaviour/cognition form from society
Define perception
the process of receiving and storing and using stimuli to make sense of the world
What are schemas used for?
to organize and gather information that we experience in our social world
List the types of schemas
- person schemas
- self-schemas
- social schemas
- script schemas
- role schemas
what is a self-fulfilling prophecy
a belief that comes true becasuse people act and believe like it will
what is the halo/devil effect
assigning positive characteristics to a person formed in 1 situation in an entirely different situation
the devil effect is the same but with negative characteristics
attribution errors
how people attribute cause to their’s and other’s errors.
what is the fundamental attribution error
using internal attributions when explaining the cause of behavior to others
-ie using your own beliefs to defend others
what is the self serving bias
success is due to internal causes but failure is due to external causes
what is cognitive dissonance
discomfort caused by holding inconsistent and conflicting sets of cognition/thoughts
what are the Schwartz value types
achievement: value personal success by demonstrating competence according to social standards
benevolence: preservation and enhancement of the life of others whom one is in frequent contact with
conformity: restraining yourself from actions that are likely going to upset others
hedonism: pleasure and sensuous gratification
power: ones social status and prestige
security: safety, harmony and stability of society and of oneself.
Define tradition:
respect, commitment and acceptance of the customs and ideas that culture provides
define universalism
understanding and appreciation for the welfare of others
what is Socio-cognitive theory
- reciprocal determinism
- locus of control
what are the components of freuds theory
defense mechanisms
What are the big 5 personality factors
- emotional stablity
- extraversion
- openness
- agreableness
- conscientiousness
name 4 aspects of freud’s approach
- development is driven by biology
- early experience engender adult personality
- early social life is important
- pleasure is sexual
what does the humanist approach say?
- every human is unique and psychology should focus on subjective feelings
- we should focus on the individual, not the entire population since everyone has free will, their behavior is not done unconsiously
- people should be viewed from a holistic point of view
- people are essentially good and will be good if given positive regard at all times
what is self-actualization
the ever lasting goal to realize your full potential
-basic needs are at the bottom, self-actualization is at the very top of hierachy of needs
what is the positive psychology theory
the study of psychological bases for leading the best most positive lives through positive thinking and behvior
what are emotions versus moods
feelings in response to en event or expectation. a mood lasts longer
what are affective feelings
decisions made in the present based on feelings forecasted in the future.
Explain CHOOSE method of happiness
C-Clarity H-health O-optimism O-others S-strengths E-Enjoy the moment
List the types of Groups
-Formal work groups: groups that are established by organizations to facilitate the achievement of organizational groups
-Informal Groups:
groups that emerge naturally in response to the common interest of organization members
Name the 5 stages of group development
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjourning
Name 4 issues that arise in group settings:
- role conflict
- role ambiguity
- role overload (too much work is expected)
- role underload (too little is expected)
What 4 aspects do roles encompass?
- Performance
- Appearance
- Social Arrangement
- Allocation of resources
Whats the difference between a Team and a Group?
Team: 2 or more people psychologically contracted together to achieve a common goal
Group: No pyschological attachment. No interdependence.
- output determined by individual contribution
- focus on individual goal/accountability
- individual commitment: only responsible for your own work
- emphasis on harmony and avoidance of conflict
focus on team goals
- mutual accountability
- common commitment
- emphasis on questioning and probing
4 types of teams:
Problem solving: Groups of 5-12 employees from the same department who meet to discuss ways of improving efficiency.
Self Managed teams: groups of 10-15 who take on their own responsibilities of former managers
Cross-fuctional teams: emplyees fromt he hierarchal level come together to acomplish a task.
List the product development sequence
- marketing
- design magineering
- product engineering
- service organization
- production
What are the benefits of cross-functional teams:
reduce product development time
reduce # of engineering changes
reduce time to market
improve product quality
what are virtual teams
teams created with computers
Describe the different roles of team members
Process managers: leaders
Conceptual thinkers: source of new ideas
Radicals: think outside the box
Technicians: specialists of the subject at hand
Harmonizers: ensure a good sense of accord
Planners: drive for completion of team goals
Critical observers: look out for problems
Politicians or power seekers: shape team views
Salespeople: provide link between team and other team
Belbin’s team roles:
The plant: problem solver The resource investigator The coordinator The shaper The monitor The team worker The implementor The completer The specialist
What is the role of delegating
to improve the managers overall efficiency by selectively distributing work for other employees
what are the benefits of delegating
- to improve quality and quantity of work
- more free time for manager to manage
- become knowledgable about the emplyeers abilities
- develop leadership capability in others
- improve operating decision
- facilitate teamwork
- create opportunities for employees to gain recognition
what is typically delegated
- problems that require study/exploitation
- activities coming within the job scope
- tasks fitting company needs
- activities that save the manager some time
What is NOT to be delegated
- planning
- resolving personal conflicts
- coaching and developing
- review and correct performance
- other peoples assignments
what is the correct process to delegate
- communicate the importance of the task
- delegate responsibility for quality of work
- allow operational decision making
- give recognition and trust the employee
What are the stages of team forming?
- Drifting stage: people get to know each other and identify roles and responsibilities
- Gelling stage: like minded individuals form into small groups and develop their own identity.
- Union stage: whole team bhaves as one
What is the role of manager when selecting a team
- adopt a participative leadership style
- define the purpose/goal of the team
- ensure everyone know their individual roles
- avoid role conflicts
- even distribution of work
- identify group norms
- create measures of success
- show the importance of organization of work
- publicize the work of the team to the managers
- obtain necessary funding and resoucres
name the two categories of conflict
Functional or dysfunctional .
list and explain the 5 ways of handling conflict
- collaborative: win/win outcome, open, exhange ideas and solutions and discuss differences
- Avoiding: lose/lose outcome, little concern for others
- Forcing: win/lose outcome, needs of other party are ignored, personal interest are favored
- Accomodating: lose/win outcome, other’s interest are valued over your own.
- give up something to achieve an amicable solution
what are 7 ways of poorly handling conflict
- intention (causing pain)
- Incompetence
- infidenlity
- insensitivity
- intrusion
- institutional forces
- inevitability.
What are some characteristics of a good team
- efficient and result oreitned
- high level of energy and enthusiams
- synergy between the individuals
- sense of purpose
- strong trust/respect between member
- strong leader who use participative leadership
define creativity
ability to produce new, useful and original results
list some characteristics of creative people (6)
- non conformist
- original and look for different solutions
- think laterally
- produce many different ideas
- confident
- prefer to work on their own without supervision