How should leader act?
General: New style approach which focuses on the behavior of a leader
How should leader act?
a) Concern for production
- Describes how a leader is concerned with achivieng organizational tasks*
- task-oriented leadership, archieving goals
b) Concern for people:
- Describes how a leader attends to people in an organization:*
- human side, how leader attends to feelings, motivation

Leadership Grid Modell: 5 Major Leading Styles (BLAKE & MOUTON)
Impoverished Management (1,1)
- indifferent
- noncommital
- uninvolved
- withdrawn
- indifferent
- resigned
- apathetic
- Leader is not motivated, minimum effort
- e.g. external investors, big firm not caring about smaller subsidiaries

Leadership Grid Modell: 5 Major Leading Styles (BLAKE & MOUTON)
Middle of the Road Management (5,5)
- Leader: expedient, prefers middle ground, balanced
- Maintains the equilibrium to receive an outcome
Avoiding conflicts:
- balancing personal needs and work productivity
- human-oriented and task-oriented
- Comfortable living, friendly atmosphere, not intensive on work temple or on leading with pressure

Leadership Grid Modell: 5 Major Leading Styles (BLAKE & MOUTON)
Team Management (9,9)
- Stimulates participation
- Acts determined
- Makes priorities clear
- Follows through
- Behaves open-mindedly
- Enjoys working
- Work accomplished through committed people
Seek intrinsic motivation
- develops trust and respect

Leadership Grid Modell: 5 Major Leading Styles (BLAKE & MOUTON)
Country Club Management (1,9)
- agreeable
- eager to help
- comforting
- uncontroversial
Producing an atmosphere (family feeling)
- not about results but service
- e.g. sailing clubs, boat clubs

Leadership Grid Modell: 5 Major Leading Styles (BLAKE & MOUTON)
Authority Compliance (9,1)
- Leader: controlling, demanding, hard driving
- Result-driven style
- Sees followers as a tool to get job done
- Not very personal/interactional
- very neutral
- Bsp.: Factories in Bangladesh

Football Coach for Children/Social Service Management (3,8)
- Followers are not seen as tools
- Happiness of the children, focus on the needs of the children

Strengths & Weaknesses of the Grid
- Approach for behaviors
- Wide range of studies validate approach
- Way to understand leadership process
- Differentiation of tasks/relationships
- Leaders can assess their actions
- Not focused on performance outcomes
- Only descriptive
- Fails to find universal leadership style
- Implies that high-high is most effective

Theory X and Theory Y (Douglas McGregor)
Explains how manager’s beliefs about what motivates their people affects their leadership style
Authoritarian (Theory X):
people dislike work –> little ambition –> unwilling to take responsbility
Participative (Theory Y):
people self-motivated –> enjoy challenge of work –> more decentralize
Definition of the Behavorial Approach
Def.: Focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act composed of two general types of behaviors
1. Task behavior (facilitate goal accomplishment)
2. Relationship behavior (help subordinates feel comfortable)