Authentic Leader
3 Definitions
1. Intrapersonal Perspective
- Leaders are leading from conviction
- Leading as an original, not a copy
- Actions based on own values, moral standards & ethics
2. Interpersonal Process
- Authenticity emerges from interactions between leaders and followers
- Leader can create changes only when their message is accepted by followers
3. Developmental Perspective
- Authentic Leadership can be triggered by major life events (e.g. new career, severe illness)
- Development of own personality
4 Components that form Authentic Leadership (Walumbwa)
1. Self-awareness
- Process in which individuals understand themselves
- Give followers insight in weaknesses, strengths, emotions, lifegoals
2. Internalized moral Perspective
- Using internal moral standards rather than outside pressure to guide behavior
- Actions are consistent with expressed beliefs and morals
3. Balanced processing
- Ability to analyze information objectively and explore other people’s opinions
- Being open about own perspective and objectives but also in considering others opinions
4. Relational Transparency
- Being open and honest in presenting one’s true self to others
- Share core feelings and motives in appropriate manner -> if you are impressed by others show it
- Build up transparency and trust

3 Factors that are influencing Authentic Leaders (Walumbwa)
1. Positive Psychological Capacities
- optimism, hope, confidence, resilience
2. Moral Reasoning
- Capacity to make ethical decisions about issues of right/wrong
- Ability to evaluate a decision (ethical aspect)
- Enables leaders to promote justice and achieve what is right for community
3. Critical Life Events
- Can be positive or negative
- Act as catalysts for change
- If leaders present their life events they become more authentic
5 Characteristics Leaders should develope to become an Authentic Leader (George, 2003)
1. Value-centered
- knowing and reflecting one’s values
2. Self-disciplined
- focused and determined
3. Purposeful
- knowing what one is about and where one is going
4. Relational
- establishing a connection with others
5. Compassionate
- being sensitive to the plight of others

Strengths & Weaknesses of the Authentic Leadership Approach
- Trustworthy for society
- Provides broad guidelines for individuals who want to become authentic leaders
- Soft skills
- Explicit moral dimension
- Can be learned and improved over time
- Big advantage towards trait approach: can be learned and improved over time
- Moral component is not fully explained
- Questionable whether positive psychological capacities should be included
- Not clear how Authentic Leadership results in positive organizational outcomes -> can disorganized authentic leaders still be effective?