3 Types
Leadership is a process that is centered on the interactions between a leader and followers
Dyadic Relationship:
- Interaction between followers and leader (vertical dyad)
Descriptive Part:
- Differentiation between in-groups and out-groups
Prescriptive Part:
- Leadership Making Model
- gives you as a leader reccomendations how to develop relation between leader and follower

Two general types of linkage/characteristics
In-Group Characteristics
Based on expanded and negotiated role responsibilitites
- Reciprocal influence
- Do extra things for the leader and the leader does the same for them
- respect, linking, trust, loyality

Two general types of linkages/characteristics
Out-Group Characteristics
Based on formal employment contract
- Only formal communication -> no reciprocal influence
- Less compatible with leader -> ususally just come to work to do job

5 Empirical Findings for high quality LM Relations (Graen)
- Less employee turnover
- More support for leadership
- Greater organizational commitment
- More positive performance evaluations
- Higher frequency of promotions
Leadership Making Model
1. Leader should develop high-quality exchanges with all followers
- Creates a stronger and broader powerbase
2. Make every follower feel as if they are part of the in-group

Strengts & Weaknesses of the Leadership Making Model
- Leaders should develope high-quality exchanges with all followers -> creates a stringer and broader powerbase
- Make every follower feel as if they are part of the in-group
- String description of in- and out-groups
- Focus on dyadic relationship
- Shows up importance of communication
- Warns to not being biased in the chouce of in-group members
- Improves organizational outcomes
- In-groups run counterpart to fairness
- Does not fully explain creation and influencing contextual factors of high-quality LMX relationships
- Measurement of LM relations is not empirically tested
Vertical Dyad Linkage to Team Making
Stages in Development on LMX Theory
1. Vertical Dyad Linkage
- __descriptive part
2. Leader-Member-Exchange
- descriptive part
3. Leadership-Making
- prescriptive part, develops over time - three stages
- Role Taking, Role Making, Routinization
4. Team-Making
What are charateristics of the LMX Leadership Theory?
- Central concept: dyadic relationship
- LMX Theory describes leadership
- LMX Theory prescribes leadership
- Differences in how goals are accomplished using in-groups vs. out-groups
Three Stages of Leadership-Making (LMX Theory)
- Role Taking
- Role Making
- Routinization