Managerial Communication Flashcards
Basic communication process
4 elements
Receiver-leader, subordinate or peer
Original of process
Speaking, writing, artists, musicians and even architectural are considered senders
Most create an accurate message in the minds of the receivers
Encoding-selecting and arranging symbols
The idea, feeling, or Information transferred to the audience-written or spoken words and nonverbal symbols
Ensure message is clear and precise
Target for the senders message
Reading, listening, observing and touching are ways messages are received
Decoding-Deciphering the senders message
Completes the process and starts it all over again
A reaction to the message as you received it
Sender must fight for feedback to ensure message was received as intended
2 forms. Verbal and nonverbal
Flow of communication
Upward communication
Up through the chain of command from lowest to highest
Provides feedback on the effective of downward communication
Avenue for lower levels to communicate facts, opinions and ideals up
Flow of communication
Downward communication
Organization upper level of management down through the chain of command
Memos, letters, meetings, phone etc
Difficulty is knowing which channel to send through and how much to send
Flow of communication
Lateral communication
Across an organization channels or among peers
Allows for coordination or integration of all diverse functions within and outside an organization
Diagnosing communication needs
Effective communication
Focused, addresses issue directly and completely without getting sidetracked and uses the least amount of words nessary to get the point across
Follows rules of language and grammar
Don’t hid ideals in a jungle of words
That the audiences experience, background,and expectations into account. Logic and credible sources
Diagnosing communication needs
General purpose of communication
To cause an action, mental or physical
To relay a message or notify about something
Direct communication
Describe actions you expect to be carried out by your audience
Emphasis is clear, concise directions and expectations
Best used to deliver orders to subordinates
Informative communication
Merely pass on information to the audience
Only successful if audience understands the message exactly the way intended
Clear, direct communication with accurate and adequate info tailored to the education and skills of the audience
Persuasive communication
trying to sell your audience on a new idea, product, or change in operations
Convincing evidence put together in a logical way
Example-Air Force Recruiters
You want to inspire the audience
Select-Narrow topic
Break the subject down
List all of the major aspects
Prioritize the subject and among of Information available
What is the audience all ready familiar with
Most critical to minor and what will the audience likely need to know
Specific objective
General purpose objective
Define the specific objective the bottom line
Determine what audience needs to do because of the message
What the communication intends to do, direct, inform, persuade inspire
Analyze audience
2 steps
Sending audience-persons responsible for the message
Receiving audience-intended recipient of the message
Define Parameters
Amount of information, time to get together, type of information, level of formality, tone, amount of time for delivery
Develop substance or foundation of information
Use yourself, others who are familiar with subject and reference sources, common knowledge and standard information
Standard information
You know a fact but you don’t know how you know it,where you learned it or where to find it
Commonly know information such as historical or scientific facts
Development of information-Communication
Factual information-support material
Clarify, amplify, reinforce or emphasize your ideals or proof your assertions
Clarification support and proof support
Organization communication
Select a pattern
Present ideals in a logical sequence so the audience can follow start to finish
Time/chronological pattern Reasoning pattern Problems-solution pattern Cause-effect pattern Topical pattern
Organization communication
Determine main points and support
After a pattern is set up organize all of the ideals to determine main and sub points
Organization communication
The blueprint for the communication
Organization communication
Moving from one point to another
Use transitions to let audience know a shift is coming and is occurring
Draft and edit
Attention step, purpose statement, motivation hook and overview
Draft and edit
Purpose statement
Clearly and briefly address purpose for communication
Underlying there for the rest of your communication and reason for the communication
Motivation hook
Informing the audience of why they need to listen, how Information can be used and what makes them want to listen
Road map for your audience
Where you will begin and end
Where you deliver your message and achieve your objective
Guides the audience along a logical pattern
Topic sentences
Bottom line up front
Audience does not half to shift through all the information to see if it applies to them
All sentences support the topic sentence, which in turn supports the main point
Place “Because” at the end of each supporting sentence to see if it supports the topic sentence
Last and most neglected part of well-arranged communication
Last chance to summarize
Closure has all 3
Restatement of purpose- re-motivation
Brainstorming tools
Support materials
Examples-Real live Imaginary-Jokes-Parables Brief example Statistics-summary of data Testimony Comparisons Explanations Evaluating sources- related material. Is it a fact Relevance Evaluating on-line sources Words of others No Plagiarism