Discipline Flashcards
Types of Discipline
Military Imposed Self-Discipline Task Group Unit
Military Discipline
Founded upon respect for and loyalty to properly constituted authority
That mental attitude and state of training which renders obedience instinctive under all conditions
Imposed Discipline
Enforced obedience to legal orders and regulations
A willing and instinctive sense of responsibility that leads you to do whatever needs to be done far above your acceptance of imposed Discipline
Your personal commitment and sense of duty
Task Discipline
A strong sense of responsibility in performing your job to the best of your abilities, volunteering for the tough jobs and working overtime if necessary
Group Discipline
A sense of group responsibility and effective team membership
Pull your own weight. Deny some personal preferences for the good of your group, section or unit
Unit Discipline
A state of order and obedience existing within a unit that involves Airmen’s willingness to do good for the unit
Not about ME but about WE
Preventive Discipline
Processes/Actions designed to keep someone from doing something undersized
Discipline Model
System of 3 areas that if used correctly can help uphold standards and discipline in the USAF
Set standard-Line of acceptability Establish rapport Create climate of accountability Communication Lead by example
Bring back to set standard. Line of acceptability
VWCAR Recommend UIF or Control Roster Admin demote Non-recommend for re-enlistment Recommend admin discharge
Purpose is to correct and rehabilitate those who repeatedly or blatantly violate standards
G-serious officer can article 15 or court-martial
Commander can article 15, court-martial, administrative demotions and discharge
Progressive Discipline Process
Use the least force necessary to modify behavior
Verbal counseling to court-martial
Verbal or written more severe than counseling
Used when LOC failed
Referral Counseling
Problem gets beyond the scope of the subordinates and supervisors abilities
Ref to First Shirt, MPF, legal office, ADC, Chaplin
Formal Counseling
Misconduct warrants stronger action. Behavior has continued despite previous informal
AF Form 174, RIC, UIF, or LOC
Memo for record
Write when 2nd time correcting
2 functions
1 memory jogger
2 begins the paper trail to move up the PDP
Always use Rank, Name than infraction then specify “I verbally counseled, admonished, or reprimanded”
Informal Counseling
Minor misconduct and first time offenses
Document with MFR
Counseling. Verbal or Written
3 forms
Reprimand LOR
Verbal or written, more sever than counseling or admonishment. Indicates a strong degree of official censure
After LOC and LOA did not work
Unfavorable Information File. AFI 36-2907
Commander, supervisors and others in charge can issue administrative counseling, admonition and reprimand
Paper or electronic file through MPS
Indicates person has committed or more breaches of discipline
Control Roster. Commander Directed
Most serious of all administrative actions
6 months at most. Then off or move up PDP
Article 15. Commander Directed
NCO expected to make recommendations
Fit the crime
Prudence first, Justice second
Seven rights
1. Presumption of Innocence
Guilt must be beyond a reasonable doubt
Direct Evidence- Stands for itself testimony video etc
Circumstantial Evidence- prove facts indirectly, can add to other facts
Seven rights
2 protection for compulsory self-Incrimination
5th and article 31
Never compel to incriminate themselves
Have AF form 1168 -Rights of the suspected/Accused
Seven Rights
3 Pretrial investigation
Article 32 before court-martial
Fully disclose and advisement of charges
Right to cross-examine witness
Right to present anything in defense or mitigation
Fair and Impartial inquiry out of the chain of command
Right to be representation by counsel during investigation
Seven Rights
4 Representation by counsel
Always free through ADC
Can hire private attorney but will half to pay
Seven Rights
5 Fair and Impartial trial
Article 27- defense and prosecutors must have similar qualifications
Article 37- No unlawful influence. No pressure from chain of command
Article 41- Can challenge the Judge and members for cause
If guilty can still appeal and protection from formal jeopardy
Seven Rights
6 Right of appeal
Can appeal after court-martial
Article 15- can appeal merits and amount of punishment. Not admission of guilt but a choose of Forum
Have 3 duty days to submit rebuttal documents UIF Control Roster
Seven Rights
7 Former Jeopardy
Double jeopardy. 5th and article 44
Not tried twice for same crime at same level but can be tried again by higher Jurisdiction. State court then Federal Court
Know your Limits
Seek advise from SJA, OSI, SFS when
Directed to investigate an incident
Dealing with violations of UCMJ and you intend to pursue adverse actions
You are unsure of how to proceed
Treatment of the Accused
Remember Innocent until proven Guilty
You must protect the rights of the Accused
Fair and equal treatment
Keep personal values out of it
Kill rumors