Management of calves and youngstock Flashcards
What is the rate of stillborn calves in UK?
5-8% (unacceptably high)
What is the rate of calves that die before slaughter or before 2yo?
Ranges from 6% in beef suckler calves to 12% in dairy replacement calves
What is the period with the highest risk of death foe calves?
Perinatal period (first 48hrs)
10% of these deaths occur before calving, but the majority are during or after parturition
Management factors that reduce dystocia
Age at first calving
Body condition score
Use of sexed semen
Observation of calving
Supervision with appropriate calving assistance
How often should cows due to calve be checked?
Every 4 hours
Calving intervention scoring system
0 - no assistance
1- slight pull
2 - mechanical aid used
3 - severe required veterinary intervention
Expectations of a normal calf at birth
Haircoat covered but not discoloured
Expectations of a normal calf within minutes
Responds to stimulation with vigorous head shake
Expectations of a normal calf within 5 mins
Head righting
Lying in sternal recumbency
Expectations of a normal calf within 15 minutes
Making attempts to stand
Expectations of a normal calf within 1hr
Expectations of a normal calf within 2hrs
Vital signs of a normal calf within 1hr
Rectal temp: stable at 39.0-39.5
HR: 100-150 bpm
RR: 50-75 bpm (chest movements and no open mouth breathing)
What to look for when assessing calf vitality
Meconium staining
Tongue (protrusion/swelling)/ head (swelling)
Head shae response to straw in nose
Response to tongue pinch
Eye reflex
Length of tongue
Heart rate
How soon should dairy calves be removed from dam?
Within 15mins
Navel care of calves
Umbilical cord ruptures spantaneously usually
Should be dipped or sprayed with strong iodine/other disinfectant