Diarrhoea in adult cattle Flashcards
Infectious causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle
BVD/Mucosal Disease
Liver Fluke
Johne’s Disease
Winter dysentery
Malignant Catarrhal Fever
Babesia (Red Water Fever)
Parasitic Gastroenteritis
Nutritional causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle
Ruminal acidosis
Lush Pasture
Poor quality roughage
Excess dietary protein
Copper deficiency
Potato Poisoning
Toxic causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle (chemicals)
Salt poisoning
Copper Poisoning
Lead Poisoning
Nitrate Poisoning
Arsenic Poisoning
Mercury Poisoning
Toxic causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle (plants)
Alimentary tract carcinoma
Oak/Acorn Poisoning
Hemlock water dropwort
Dog’s Mercury
Rhododendron Poisoning
Miscellaneous causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle
Displaced Abomasum
Renal Amyloidosis
Haemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome[3]
Fat Necrosis
Cold Cow Syndrome
(Clostridium tertium)
(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis)
(Escherichia fergusonii)
Main serotypes of salmonella causing diarrhoea in adult cattle
S. typhimurium and S. Dublin
S. Typhimurium
ubiquitous and the origin in an outbreak is usually difficult to establish, but outbreaks can sometimes be associated with the purchase of animals.
S. Dublin
host adapted to cattle and outbreaks are associated with chronically infected animals, cattle can be latent carriers for years.
Pathogenesis of salmonellosis in adult cattle
Primarily occurs via the faecal oral route and cows are more susceptible when stressed e.g. around calving time.
Clinical signs of salmonellosis in adult cattle
Profuse diarrhoea progressing to dysentery
Depressed, dehydrated, milk drop, toxaemia
Sometimes death
Mortality rates low in adults compared to calves
Some additional possible signs of S. Dublin whereas S. Typhimurium most causes GI signs
Additional clinical signs of S. Dublin
Abortion (6-9m)
tail and ear tip necrosis
Diagnosis of salmonellosis in adult cattle
All cases of diarrhoea in adult cattle are Salmonella until proved otherwise
Sample for culture
Slide agglutination
Serology of little value diagnostically
Treatment of salmonellosis in adult cattle
Antibiotics based on C&S
TMPS or pot. amoxicillin
Fluid therapy
Warm isotonic fluids orally
IV essential in severe cases - hypertonic saline
NSAID to counter toxaemia
Control of salmonellosis in adult cattle
Isolation and disinfection
Find source of S. Dublin carrier (not very practical)
Vaccinations (Bovivac S) to provide antibody protection to calves through colostrum
What is the main source of BVD infection?
PI calves
What happens if pregnant cow infected with BVD in first month of pregnancy?
Embryonic death, return to oestrus
What happens if pregnant cow infected with BVD in months 2-4 of pregnancy?
PI calf (antibody negative)
What happens if pregnant cow infected with BVD in months 5-9 of pregnancy?
Normal calf
Possibly malformations or abortions
Clinical signs of acute BVD infection in non-pregnant animals
Usually asymptomatic
Mild, often unnoticed diarrhoea
Transient milk drop and loss of appetite
Oculo-nasal discharge and occasional mouth ulceration
Occasionally more severe disease with profuse diarrhoea
What is mucosal disease?
Occurs in PIs when there is a mutation in the BVD virus to a cytopathic variant, or a PI is super-infected with a cytopathic variant
When do PIs most commonly develop mucosal disease?
Signs of mucosal disease
Profuse watery intractable diarrhoea with blood and tenesmus
Occasional pyrexia and depression
Weight loss
Erosions and uleration of the hard palate, under the surface of the tongue, oesophagus and buccal mucosa
Lesions around coronary band and interdigital space occasionally
Course of mucosal disease
Disease begins suddenly and animals may be affected for 2-3 weeks before they die. So, confirm diagnosis and euthanise.
Diagnosis of mucosal disease in PIs
Difficult to detect BVDv in acutely affected animals unless at the height of viraemia (ELISA, IPX, PCR).
However in PIs (including mucosal disease) the virus titre is much higher so all tests have high sensitivity.
Can use ELISA for paired serology
Treatment of mucosal disease
Acute BVD infection, usually self resolving. Mucosal disease no effective treatment, euthanasia on welfare grounds.
Control of mucosal disease
Screening to detect PI and remove.
Vaccination available - can disrupt testing.
Aetiology of liver fluke
Fasciola hepatica
Like cycle of liver fluke
Ova passed in faeces of infected animals
Hatch into miracidia within 9 days if temp is over 10 degrees
Invade snails to form cercaria after 6-8 weeks
Encyst on blades of grass to form metacercaria
Migrate through gut wall and penetrate the liver where they tunnel for 6-8wks before entering bile ducts
Pre-patent period of liver fluke
10-12 weeks
How long is the whole life cycle of liver fluke?
Minimum of 17-18 weeks
What are the 2 cycles of liver fluke infection?
Summer infection of snails from over-wintered miracidia/carrier anials eggs
Autumn infection of snails
Summer infection of snails by liver fluke
Infection of snails from over-wintered miracidia or carrier animal’s eggs deposited in spring.
Infect cattle early autumn/winter causing signs from December to March.
Uningested metacercaria are capable of over-wintering.
Autumn infection of snails by liver fluke
Infection in the snails completes the following spring giving rise to disease from May to July.
Most snails die over winter so important in milder winters.
Will see more of this with climate change, snails survive milder winters.
What are the signs of liver fluke in cattle?
Diarrhoeais the most common presenting sign (often in association with ostertagia).
Chronic ill-thrift and anaemia reported
Weight loss, reduced milk yields and milk solids, also a variably reduced appetite.
Anaemia and submandibular oedema may occur in chronic cases.
Is liver fluke fatal in cattle?
rarely fatal on a reasonable plain of nutrition, but is more serious in animals out-wintered receiving little supplementary feed
What disease can follow liver fluke in cattle?
Black Disease (Infectious necrotic hepatitis), caused by Clostridium novyi, may occur in some animals as the necrotic tracts in the liver caused by parasite migration favour bacterial growth and toxin production.
Diagnosis of liver fluke in cattle
Faecal examination (floatation and sedimentation), faecal coproantigen test
Serology (ELISA) - shows infection within last 9mo
Biochem and haem - hepatocyte damage (GLDH), biliary inflammation (GGT), resultant protein loss, eosinophlia, non-regenerative anaemia
Treatment and control of liver fluke (not actual drugs)
Clinically affected animals are treated.
Cattle may be dosed prophylactically just once per year in December.
In wet springs a 2nd dose may be needed in out-wintered stock in May.
For dairy cows a treatment at drying may be a compromise.
Triclabendazole activity against liver fluke
Works against all stages from 2 days
Oral/pour on
When can triclabendazole be used in cattle?
NOT in lactation
In the dry period (50d mild w/d)
Not within 50d of calving (maiden dairy heifers)
Clostantel activity against liver fluke
Effective against adults and immature flukes 3-4wks
Injectable, oral
When can closantel be used in cattle?
NOT in lactation
NOT in dry period
NOT in last trimester (pregnant dairy heifers)
Nitroxynil activity against liver fluke
Effective against adults and immature fluke
When can be nitroxynil be used in cattle?
NOT in lactation
NOT in dry period
NOT in last trimester (pregnant dairy heifers)
Albendazole activity against liver fluke
Effective against adults
When can albendazole be used in cattle?
In lactation (60hr milk w/d)
In dry period (60hr milk w/d)
In pregnant dairy heifers
Oxyclozanide activity against liver fluke
Effective against adult fluke
When can oxyclozanide be used in cattle?
In lactation (72hr milk w/d)
In dry period
In pregnant dairy heifers
Clorsulon activity against liver fluke
When can clorsulon be used in cattle?
NOT in lactation
In the dry period (60d milkd w/d)
Not within 60d of calving (dairy heifers)
Aetiology of Johnes disease
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)
Signalment of typical cattle affected by Johnes
Over 3yo (peak 4-7yrs)
Transmission of Johnes disease
Faecal oral route
Transplacental can occur
Can be via milk and colostrum
Which animals are most likely to be infected with Johnes?
Young calves (but then long incubation period)
What can trigger clinical signs of Johnes?
stress such as calving, transport and malnutrition
Signs of Johnes
Early in the disease course signs are subclinical with poor performance and reduced milk yield in lactating cows.
Usually this progresses to chronic diarrhoea, classically bubbly scour which is intermittent at first, becoming persistent and profuse.
This is followed by weight loss, ill-thrift progressing to severe malabsorption with hypoproteinaemia.
Animals rarely show ventral oedema.
Diagnosis of Johnes
Should be possible on clinical grounds alone if previously in herd
Faecal exam (Ziehl-Neilsen stained) - low sensitivity as low nos passed and intermittent shedding
PCR from faeces
Serology - AB not usually detected until infection well established
PM- widespread gross lesions in intestine (thickened of wall and ridged appearance)
Johnin PPD - intradermal skin infection