working with and through people to accomplish a common mission
Five Ingredients of Management (MARRA)
Mission Goal
Authorize Leaders
the act of getting people together to accomplish the organization desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively
application of scientific approach to the study organization
scientific management
process of examining the organizational aspects of companies and their work flow to explain how institutions function and how to improve their perfomance
bureaucracy management
management approach the looks at the performance and interaction of people within the organization
organizational behavior management
the analytical view of an organization as a complete, self contained unit that interacts within itself and with its environment in a continuous process of interchange and renewal
system analysis management
designed to provide laboratory services where diagnostics test are being processed
what percentage of medical decisions are based on lab results
the purpose of lab provides healthcare professionals with information to: (DCEGM)
Detect disease
Confirm or reject disease
Establish prognoses
Monitor efficacy and therapy
2 purpose of laboratory
provide physicians and healthcare information
plays a leading role in education and research, IT design, implementation and quality improvement
Successful Laboratory Requires: (MRO)
Medical, Scientific, and technical expertise
Resources such as personnel, laboratory and date processing equipment, supplies and facilities
Organization, management, and communication skills
Provides direction of where an organization is going
Provides the road to get there
an employing management skills, people skills and vision to accomplish the organization
pattern of behavior used to engage others to complete task in a timely and productive manner
an application of motivational principles
Process of influencing others to achieve designated organizational goals
“what a leader is”
trait approach
“what the leader does”
behavioral approach
focused on the importance of content of the situation in explain effective leader effectiveness
situational contingency approach
focuses on the concept that leadership is influence and exchange process
influence approach
focuses on the concept that leadership is relational and shared process that includes strong emphasis on followership
reciprocal approach
the one responsible for providing the conditions necessary for employees to accomplish the work of the organization
The leader must understand the following: (ILTW)
Interaction of the employee and the institution
Leadership Approach
The situation
Workplace structure and function
leadership style that provides physical and personal resources
leadership style that presents rules/instructions on how to complete tasks/function
leadership style that provides low support and direction, offers flexibility and encouragement in decision making and or problem solving
leadership style that has high support and direction
low concern for people and production
impoverished managements
low concern for people, high concern for production
authority compliance
medium concern for both people and production
middle of the road management
high concern for people, low concern for production
country club management
high concern for both people and management
team management
relates to authoritative leader, implies that employees are basically lazy
X theory
related to democratic leader, implies that workers view work as natural play
Y theory
presupposes that people, once having reaches a level of economic security
Z theory
leadership style continuum from authoritative to democratic
Tannenbaum and Schmidt Theory
indicates the style used by the leader may vary according to situation
Fiedler Theory
based on the maturity of the follower, the ultimate goal of the leader is to motivate the follower to advances in job knowledge and responsibility
Hersey-Blanchard Theory
employee is new to job, very immature to job
employee has mastered some of the job with supervision
employee has mastered job but still need verification
employee has confidently mastered the job
low task skills, on interpersonal skills and are usually procrastinators
on the job retirees
very task oriented, low on interpersonal skills and see the task to be done as their primary responsibility no matter what the cost
whip crackers
taken from the Yiddish word for one who chats and idly gossips, rank low on task and high on interpersonal skill
rank high in both task and interpersonal skills
team builders
empowers one to do the job and accomplish tasks
derived from holding the position
Position authority
derived from the characteristics of the leader
Personal authority
the group together of related activities to expedite the production process
the decision-making process is brought as close to those who are actually performing the work
states that each individual must have a boss
Unity of command
holds that there is definable limit to the number of people one person can effectively supervise, within limits of work conditions
Span of control
chain command, supervision should be linear system providing a direct vertical link from the board of directors to the lowest level worker
Scalar principle
allows the manager and staff to do their job without having to check with a supervisor
Exception principle