Mammographic Positioning Flashcards
Mobile borders of the breast
Lateral and inferior
To promote thinning of the breast tissue for coned views, Dr. Arthur Hixson devised a method to apply compression to both the
top and bottom aspects called ____
will best visualize the subareolar, central, medial, and posteromedial aspects of the breast and is one of two complementary
projections that make up the routine
mammographic study.
craniocaudal projection
This is a band of fatty tissue apparent posterior to the glandular island in most women.
Retroglandular fat space—
will best visualize posterolateral tissue of the breast However, this position will not spread the glandular tissue and ―open up‖ the structures in the same way as a 20-
degree MLO.
XCCL projection
The elevated craniocaudal projection best
visualizes _____ abnormalities high on the chest wall.
central and medial
best visualizes the posterior and upper-outer quadrants of the breast.
MLO projection
This position is preferred as the
complementary second projection in the
routine two-view mammogram because it
is effective in visualizing the posterior and
upper-outer quadrant breast tissue.
MLO Projection
best demonstrates the upper-inner
quadrant (UIQ) and lower-outer quadrant (LOQ) of the breast, free of superimposition of the upper-outer
and lower- inner tissue.
Angulation For women who have encapsulated implants in the SIO Projection
60 degree
In the nonconforming patient, such as a
patient with severe pectus excavatum, an angulation for SIO Projection is
45 degrees
demonstrates the entire glandular island with less superimposition than the two-projection mammogram.
20° oblique
may be used to better demonstrate the entire axillary tail, glandular breast tissue very high in the axilla that is perhaps inadequately imaged on the MLO, as well as most of the lateral aspect of the breast.
AT view
It is performed very much like the axillary
view (AX), with more emphasis placed on
the breast tissue than on the axillary
Axillary Tail (AT view)
is useful as a replacement view
for the MLO in those patients who have a
pacemaker, or have had previous open
heart surgery where skimming the scar with the compression paddle could cause
discomfort, and other nonconforming
is useful for stereotactic biopsy positioning.
ISO (IM-SL) projection
This projection imitates the SIO but allows
access to the inferior aspect of the breast
to achieve shortest skin to abnormality
distance and maintain stroke margin during stereotactic biopsy.
The Inferomedial–Superolateral Oblique (ISO)
Completing the _______ with the
nipple in profile provides a true
representation of breast structures to the
nipple, and is useful for localization of
nonpalpable lateral abnormalities.
ML projection
Completing the ____ with the
nipple in profile provides a true
representation of breast structures to
the nipple.
LM projection
This method is applicable for patients with
implants, both from augmentation and
reconstruction following mastectomy .
Implant Displaced (ID)\Modified Compression Technique for Augmented Breasts\Eklund Method
-visualizes the axillary contents.
-is often included as a routine view for breast cancer patients and for suspected inflammatory breast cancer.
axilla position, an anterior–posterior
The basis of the _____ first
described by Logan-Young is to skim the
area of interest with the x-ray beam and
image it within the subdermal fatty layer of
tissue, where it will be distinguishable from
the surrounding tissue .
tangential view
This cranial–caudal projection provides
imaging of the extreme medial aspect of
the breast.
Cleavage View (C V)
The coat hanger view will image palpable
masses that escape compression with
normal techniques.
Captured Lesion (CL) (Coat Hanger View)