Mali case study Flashcards
Outline the geography of Mali
Has a deserted north and a more tropical south. is a landlocked country
Outline the economic status of Mali
It is a poor country which depends heavily on foreign investment and money from offshores to survive.
Why is there political instability in Mali
There was a coup in 2012
What issues were created by the colonial borders
It split the main Taureg ethnic group
What disruption has been taking place in the North
Fighting to control trade routes such as the Tilemsi Valley
Why is there animosity from the north towards the south
There has been innefective state governence of the north and has been neglected by Bamako.
How have the UN been involved?
Through MINUSMA which aims to protect human rights and achieve greater levels of democracy.
Where have there been successes?
HDI has increased (0.434 in 2019), GDP per capita has increased ($2269 in 2019), reduction in import dependency.
Where have there been limitations in success?
Inequality remains between north and south, deep rooted divisions between the ethnic groups, inequalities between urban and rural, high crime rates, high maternal and child mortality,
What are the reasons for issues with territorial integrity in Mali?
Colonial boundaries created divisions, Fighting in the north to control trade routes, ineffective state governance of the north, Multiple significant ethnic groups beyond the Taureg such as Songhai
How many people are involved in controlling Mali?
Over 9,000 military personnel, around 1,000 police, 1,300 international and local staff.
What did the 2015 peace deal do?
Provided autonomy for the north, recognition of locally elected leaders, greater representations of north populations, more state budget transferred to north.
Give some examples of NGOs that have helped Mali.
Population services international-provided reproductive health projects, Care: food insecurity, World Education Mali: addressing educational barriers, Solidarities International: Water, hygiene, sanitation, food security.
Show some examples of differences between urban and rural areas in Mali.
86% in urban areas have electricity, 92.5% have water pipes, 84% have paved roads, 89% have health clinics.
Rural is 8.5%, 33%, 11.5%, 48%
What injustices take place in Mali?
High levels of human trafficking, drug smuggling, kidnapping and corruption. Government can’t protect citizens from human rights abuse, child labour, abductions, killings, bombings, high rates of child and maternal mortality.
What is the capital of Mali called?
What are Mali’s two biggest exports?
Gold (72%) and cotton (10%), more diversity needed.
What is the Northern Area of Mali called?