Male reproductive anatomy Flashcards
Lie within scrotum, thin rugose pigmented pouch- no SC fat but the dartos muscle
Left testis lies lower than right, both covered by white fibrous ( tunica albuginea)
Testes- structure
200-300 lobules each containing 1-3 seminiferous tubules (site of spermatogenesis)
SF anastamose into plexus called rete testis, where appx. 12 ducts rice, piercing TA and into epididymal head
Blood supply and venous drainage of testes
Each testis receives supply from testicular artery
Venous drainage of each via pampiniform plexus of veins- becomes the singular testicular vein
RTV> inferior vena cava
LTV drains into left renal vein
The epididymis
Located along post. border of testis, site of sperm storage/maturation until ejaculation
Has head, body and tail
Tail continuous w. vas deferens
The spermatic cord
External spermatic fascia- from ext. oblique aponeurosis
Cremasteric spermatic fascia- from int. oblique aponeurosis
Internal spermatic fascia- from transversalis fascia
Spermatic cord structural contents
- Testicular, cremasteric arteries and artery of the vas
- Pampiniform vein plexus, cremasteric vein and vein of the vas
- Nerve of cremaster muscle, sympathetic fibres and ilio-inguinal nerve
- Vas deferens and lymphatic vessels
Prostate gland
Pyramidal shaped organ surrounding prostatic urethra
Relations of the prostate gland
Sup- bladder neck Inf- apex of PG lies on ext. sphincter of bladder Ant- pubic symphysis Post- rectum Lat- levator ani
Seminal vesicles
Coiled, sacculated tubes which lie at base of bladder
Ducts from seminal vesicle joins with VD to form ejaculatory duct, each travels through prostate gland
Urethral divisions
Pre-prostatic- vert. through bladder wall
Prostatic- through prostate gland
Membranous- pierces ext. sphincter urethrae (voluntary one)
Spongy- tranverses corpus spongiosum
During ejaculatino semen passes through PG and urethra, exit through urinary meatus
Levator ani muscles
Obturator canal