Liver pathologies Flashcards
What is steatosis?
Excess micro/macrovesicular fat deposits in the liver- an example of reversible cell injury
What is steatohepatitis?
Accumulation of fat with accompanying inflammatory changes, assc. w alcohol but can be seen w NAFLD or medication/drugs
Low grade chronic inflamm (NAFLD) or repeated bouts of hepatitis (alcohol) > fibrosis
Accm. of collagen and XC matrix
Cause of cirrhosis
Fibrous septa subdividing liver parenchyma into structurally abnormal nodules- end stage of many prog. liver diseases
Alcohol, Hep B and C, iron overload, obesity, autoimmune, biliary disease
Healing in the liver
Depends on nature of insult and amount of damage- recurrent, perseistent/ major damage > healing by repair with scarring (cirrhosis, loss of function)
What are some of the complications of decompensated liver disease?
Jaundice- impaired breakdown/ accm. bilirubin
Coagulopathy- impaired synth. of blood CF’s
Encephalopathy- hyperammonaemia
Ascites- impaired albumin synthesis, portal HT
Splenomegaly- portal HT
GI bleeding- oesophageal varices
Stigmata of chronic liver disease
Caput medusa- distended epigastric veins around umbilicus
Splenomegaly- screening tool for portal HT
Ascites- low albumen, ^ portal HT
Leukonchyia- white fingernails
Flapping tremor of outstretched hand
Viral hepatitis
Specifically targets parenchymal liver hepatocytes- most present as acute hepatitis with clinical features w. effects of acute inflamm. and impaired liver function bc liver cell death, but B and C can present with chronic Hep
Hepatitis A- characteristics
benign and self limiting, inc period 2-6 wks
Faecooral spread, endemic in countries w/ poor sanitation and hygiene
Liver damage by immune response to virus
Not assc. with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or carrier state
RNA virus related to picoravirus
Hepatitis B- characteristics
present as acute hepatitis with recovery/fulminant hep w/ massive necrosis
blood, sexual transmission
chronic disease- 5% > cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
asymptomatic carrier state
Hepatitis C- characteristics
Spread by blood products, contamination (tattoos/iv drug users) and haemophiliacs
often asymptomatic/ unrecognised initial infection
progression to chronic hep not uncommon w/ cirrh
What are some examples of autoimmune liver diseases?
AI hepatitis- chronic hepatitis
Primary biliary cirrhosis (cholangiopathy)
Sclerosing cholangitis
What is the difference between PBC and PSC?
PBC targets intrahepatic bile ducts, PSC can be both extra/intrahepatic bile ducts- both assc. w cholestasis
What are the characteristics of autoimmune hepatitis?
Chronic which may have indolent/rapidly prog. course
- 70% female, absence of serologic evidence of viral infection
^ serum IgG
+ve autoantibodies, anti SM
Assc. with other forms of AI disease e.g rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, sjorgens syndrome, UC
Primary biliary cholangiopathy
Chronic AI progressive destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts- normal radiology
90% female
Positive anti- mitochondrial autoantibodies
may be ANA/ ANCA positive- assc. w/ sjorgen’s syndrome, scleroderma and thyroid disease
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Chronic inflamm. destruction of extra/intrahepatic ducts with beading of bile ducts on MRI/ ERCP
70% male, assc. with chronic inflam. bowel disease, AI pancreatitis
up to 2/3 positive ANCA antibodies