Male GU Exam Flashcards
Prostate Palpation
You can feel the posterior lobe through the rectum, this is useful because this is where cancer most commonly occurs
Which type of hernia is the most common?
Indirect- for both sexes.
Which type of hernia can extend into the scrotum?
Which type of hernia is more common in men then in women (comparatively)
Which type of hernia is more common in women then in men? (comparatively)
Penile discharge findings: chlamydia
Penile discharge findings: gonorrhea
WBC’s w/ Gm(-) intracellular diplococcic
Penile discharge findings: trichomonas
WBC’s w/ moving organisms
What does a GEN probe look for?
Chlamydia and GC
What is the most common non-skin cancer in men?
Prostate CA- is also the 2nd leading cause of death
What are the 2 screening tests for prostate cancer?
Direct Rectal Exam and PSA
congenital displacement of the urethral meatus on the inferior surface of the penis along the urethral groove
Associated with congenital renal abnormalities
The foreskin cannot be retracted over the penis. Arises from poor hygiene. Very painful errections
Foreskin cannot be brought back over the glans-
treatment is circumcision
“foreskin is around- para”
Fluid in the tunica vaginalis- transilluminates with light
undescended testicle- usually atrophied. Increased risk for testicular cancer
What organism causes syphilis?
Treponema Pallidum
Primary Syphilis hallmark finding?
syphilitic chancre: painless round/oval erosion or lesion
Tests for syphilis?
(+) RPR and VDRL (screening tests)
FTA-ABS (+), TP-PA (+) or dark field microscopy (look for spirochetes) is confirmatory
Secondary Syphilis hallmark findinings?
Any unexplained rash on the body, palms of hands, soles of the feet
Genital Herpes hallmark finding?
cluster of small vesicles that are burning &/or painful. These will progress to ulcers that are on top of an area of erythema (redness)
Genital Herpes DX finding?
viral culture of fluid in vesicle, tzanck smear
Genital Herpes causitive organism?
herpes simplex virus 1 and 2
Venereal Warts AKA?
condyloma acuminatum
Venereal Warts causitive organism?
HPV hallmark findings?
genital warts that grow in clusters
Genital Scabies causative organism?
sarcoptes scabiei
Genital Scabies hallmark symptom/ finding?
nocturnal pruritis with linear curved or u-shaped burrows
Genital Scabies diagnosis
clinical suspicion, slide mount preperation
Genital Scabies treatment?
permethrin cream, linden, oral steroids and antihistamines for itching
Non-gonococcal urethritis is caused by?
Gonococcal urethritis hallmark finding?
purulent penile discharge that has WBC’s (neutrophils) and gram stain (-) intracellular diplococci