Male GU abnormalities Flashcards
Genital herpes
- Begins w/ painful vesicles that become ulcerated
- Often recurrent
Molluscum contangiosum
- Umbilicated vesicular-like
- Contagious, usually painless
- Benign viral condition; self-limited (6-12mo)
Primary syphilitic chancre
- Chancre in coronal sulcus
- Painless
- Purulent urethral discharge
via “milking” urethra - Associated meatitis
Most common cause of NGU
- Mucopurulent discharge
- More watery
Peyronie’s disease
- Idiopathic
- Fibrosis of corpora cavernous
- Palpable, nontender plaques beneath skin (along dorsum of shaft)
- Penile curvature, painful erections, erectile dysfunction
Carcinoma of penis
- Begins as firm nodule or ulcer that does not heal
- Usually nontender
- More common in uncircumcised
Indirect hernia
- Most common
- All ages, both sexes
- Above inguinal ligament, near midpoint
- Often into scrotum
- Palpable as impulse down inguinal ligament
Direct hernia
- Men over 40, rare in women
- Above inguinal ligament, near pubic tubercle
- Rarely into scrotum
- Bulges anteriorly
Femoral hernia
- More common in women
- Below inguinal ligament, more lateral
- May mimic lymph node
- Never into scrotum
- Varicose vv
- Usually on left
- Feels like “bag of worms”
- May collapse (supine)
- May be associated w/ infertility
- Benign, nontender, fluid-filled mass within tunica vaginalis
- Transilluminates
- Painless, mobile mass above testis
- Smaller than hydrocele
- Contains sperm
- May transilluminate
Acute epididymitis
- Infection of epididymis
- Local pain & swelling
- Primarily in adults
- Associated w/ UTI or prostate infection
Acute orchitis
- Inflammation or infection of testis
- Testicular swelling & tenderness
- Similar appearance to epididymitis
- Complication of mumps & other viral infections
Testicular torsion
- Due to twisting of spermatic cord
- Intense pain
- Red, swollen, tender scrotum
- Testis may be pulled upwards
- Surgical emergency!
Testicular tumors
- Firm, painless nodule
- Does not transluminate
Internal hemorrhoid prolapse
Protrudes from anus
External hemorrhoid thrombosis
Develops blood clot, painful
Anal fissure
- Tear in lining of anus wall
- Caused by passage of hard stools
Anal fissure sx
- Severe pain as stool passes
- Itching, burning, bleeding, & wet discharge
Anal fissure dx
Hx & anoscopy
Perirectal abscess
- Swelling & erythema of butt
- Can be very serious
Perianal condylomata
HPV, usually sexually transmitted
Prostatitis - Acute & Chronic
- Enlarged prostate gland
- More tender during acute infection, often fever & chills
- Examine carefully (avoid spread of infection
- Tx w/ antibiotics
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- More common w/ increasing age
- Symmetrical enlargement of gland
- Slowing of urine stream w/ difficulty starting stream
Carcinoma of prostate
- Enlarged, firm nodule or area of hardness
- Irregular contour, median sulcus obscured
- Usually slow-growing
- Metastasizes locally, to bone