Male Genital System I Flashcards

(Epi = dorsal; hypo = ventral)

Condyloma acuminatum
(HPV 6 or 11)
Will this patient be able to reproduce?

Yes! Focal atrophy indicates mumps, which is generally unilateral and patchy, preserving fertility
“It doesn’t hurt.” Dx?

Chancre of primary syphilis
Risk factors?

HPV 16 and 18, smoking, poor hygiene, being uncircumcised

(Inability to retract foreskin)
This patient presents with reproductive difficulty. Genotypic studies would reveal ___ and histology of his testicles would reveal ___.

Most likely 47,XXY
Hyalinized seminiferous tubules and pseudoadenomatous clusters of Leydig cells

This infection started in the prostate then moved to the epididymis. Dx?

(Pattern of spread + caseating granuloma)
A newborn with 46,XY genotype presents with undescended testes. What other congenital anomaly should you check for?
(Often associated with undescended testes)

This guy is at an increased risk for _____ but decreased risk for _____.

Squamous cell carcinoma of penis
HIV transmission from a female

HPV 6 or 11
(Notice cauliflower-like growths)
Pattern of spread of this organism?

Testis –> epididymis
(Spirochetes = syphilis)
John is a 65 yo white male who presents with dysuria and frequency of urination that resolves with antibiotic therapy. Two months later, however, he presents with an enlarging testicle. What would you expect on histology?
INTRATUBULAR histiocytes + lymphocytes + plasma cells = Idiopathic granulomatous orchitis
(Usually follows a gram negative UTI)