Male and Female Reproductive Anatomy Flashcards
What is the default gonad phenotype?
What are female and male chromosomes?
Female - XX
Male- XY
What is the female equivalent of the penis?
What is the female corpora cavernosa
Corpora cavernosa clitoris
What is the male equivalent of the bulb of vesibule?
Corpus Spongiosum
What is the male equivalent of the llabia minora?
Ventral penile raphe
What is the male equivalent of the labia majora
What is the male equivalent of the ovarian and round ligaments?
Gubernaculum testis
Do males or females have a longer urethra?
What do ovaries do?
Produce oocytes and sex hormones
What do the uterine/fallopian tubes do?
Passageway for ovum or gamete from the ovary to the uterus
What does the uterus do?
Menstruation, implantation, gestation, labor
What does the vagina do?
Canal from external environment to uterus. Roles in sex, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.
Where is the vesicouterine pouch?
Between the “vessicle” or bladder and the uterus
Where is the rectouterine pouch?
Between uterus and rectum
Where is the lowest part of the female pelvis that fluid can collect?
The rectouterine pouch
What are the fornices of the vagina?
recessed formed by the cervix
What is the mons pubis?
rounded area of adipose tissue overlying the pubic symphysis
What is the labia majora?
Ridges of skin inferior and posterior to mons pubis. Outer surface is covered in hair.
What is the labia minora?
Paired ridges flanking vestibule
What is the vestibule?
space between labia major
contains urethra, vagina, and greater vestibular glands
What is the clitoris?
Erective tissue (crura, body, glans)
What is the bulb of vestibule?
Erective tissue on either side of the vestibule
What are the greater vestibular glands?
Mucus secreting lands on either side of the vestibule
What are the three parts of the broad ligament?
Mesometrium, mesovarium, mesosalpinx
What structures make up the uterine tube?
Isthmus, Ampulla, Infundibulum, fimbriae
What does the suspensory ligament of the overy contain?
Ovarian artery and vein (supply and take blood from ovaries)
What does the ligament of the ovary connect?
Uterus and ovary
What does the round ligament connect?
uterus to labia majora
What does the uterosacral ligament connect?
cervix to sacrum
What does the transverse/Cardinal ligamaent connect?
Cervix to pelvic wall
What is the job of the mesosalpinx?
Suspends the uterine tube
What is the job of the mesovarium?
Attaches to ovary and covers ovarian ligament
Where is the mesometrium?
from lateral pelvic wall to body of uterus
*** What is the most common site of fertilization?
What does the endometrium do?
changes throughout menstral cycle, Implantation occurs here
What is the myometirum?
Muscular layer, contracts during childbirth and menstruation (cramps)
What are the external and internal os?
Internal os - openin between uterus and cervical canal
External os- opening between cervical canal and vagina
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
When implantation occurs anywhere other than the uterus
What is the normal position of the uterus?
anteverted and anteflexed
What is a pap smear?
samples acquired from the transition zone of the cervix
What happens during uterine prolapse?
The ligaments that hold the uterus into shape collapse
Where is the rectovesical pouch?
Between bladder and rectum
What are the male external genitalia?
testes, penis, epididymis, ductus deferens(vas deferens), ejaculatory ducts, seminal vessicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
What do the testes do?
Develop spermatozoa and sex hormones
What does the epididymis do?
Final maturation of sperm
What does the ductus deferens do?
Tube in spermatic cord transporting sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory ducts in prostate gland
What does the penis do?
Contains erectile tissue (corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosa) as well as a spongy urethra which is a shared outlet for urine and sperm
What do the seminal vesicles do?
Gland at the posterior base of bladder, secrete fructose rich seminal fluid (60% of semen)
What are the ejaculatory ducts?
union of ductus deferens and ducts of seminal vesicles
What is the prostate gland?
Secretes components of semen (acidic)
What is the bulbourethral gland?
Secretes alkaline mucus to lubricate the urethra, increased velocity during ejaculation
What are the roots of external genitalia anchored to?
Perineal membrane
What are the muscles in the superficial pouch?
superficial transverse perineal
What is the innervation of the superficial pouch?
Pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
What is in the superficial pouch?
root of penis, shaft and body of penis
crura -> corpora cavernosa
bulb -> corpus spongiosum
gland penis
spongy urethra
What is the venous plexus surrounding the testicular artery?
Pampiniform plexus
Where is the gubernaculum in the testis?
Inferior pole
What is the pathway of the flow of sperm?
Seminiferous tubules-> straight tubules -> rete testis -> efferent ductules-> head of epididymis -> body of epididymis -> tail fo epididymis -> d. deferens
Some Really Educated Elders Don’t Even Understand:
Seminiferous tubules
Rete testis
Efferent ductules
Ductus (vas) deferens
Ejaculatory duct
What is the pathway of the vas/ductus deferens?
Through inguinal canal, passes over epigastric vessels, passes over ureter, in prostate joins with ejaculatory duct of seminal vesicle
What is a vasectomy?
Cutting the vas deferens , doesn’t stop the production of sperm
What are the sympathetic pelvic nerves?
Saral splanchnics and hypogastric nerves
What are the functions of the sympathetic pelvic nerves?
Vasoconstriction, contract internal urethral and anal sphincters, ejaculation
What are the parasympathetic pelvic nerves?
Pelvic splanchnics (S2-S4)
What are the functions of the parasympathetic pelvic nerves?
Vasodilation, stimulate bladder contraction for urination, stimulate defecation, stimulate erection