Male Flashcards
It is the base of the penis
It is the loose pouch like sack of skin that hangs behind the penis it holds the testicles as well as nerves and blood vessels
The schoolroom protects your testicles and provides a sort of ________
Climate control system
For normal sperm development the testis must be at the temperature that is ______ than the body temperature
Slightly cooler
What are the three function of the penis
Urination erection and ejaculation
The average size of penis is about how many inches when soft
3 to 5 inches (8.9 cm)
Size of the penis when it is erect is
More than 5 inches (13 cm)
Internally the scrotal sac is divided into two portions by a septum each portion containing one
It is to produce spermatozoa and the male sex hormones testosterone
It contains the blood vessels lymphatic vessels nerves in the vast deference
Spermatic cord
It is a long called tube that rests on the back of each testicles
It carries and stores the sperm cells that your testicles create it also brings the sperm to maturity
Is a muscular tube that travels from the epididymus into the pelvic cavity just behind the urinary bladder
Vas deferens
It transports mature sperm to the urethra in preparation for ejaculation
Vas deferens
It moves through the prostate where they collect fluid to add to semen
Ejaculatory ducts
W it is a protrusion of loops of bowel through weak areas of the musculature
The nurse needs to be familiar with structures of the ____ area because hernias are common in this location
Is located just below the bladder in men and surrounds the top portion of the tube that drains you rain from the bladder the urethra it is to produce the fluid that nourishes and transport sperm
How many centimeters long is the rectum
12 cm
It is a mascular tube that is at the end of the large intestine it connects the colon to the anus which is the opening where stool access the body
Are rings of muscles that opening of the anus
Internal and external anal sphincters
What do we call blood in the urine
What is BPH
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
A decrease in amount of voided urine may indicate
Prostate enlargement or kidney problems
What is UTI
Urinary tract infection