Making Life Possible IV - Homeostasis Flashcards
The state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.
Cellular Homeostasis
Cellular homeostasis: the process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state at the level of the cell.
Steady State: Principles
Living systems are open dynamic systems:
Not at thermodynamic equilibrium
Continual through put of matter and energy
Yet remain remarkably constant in many respects
At steady state, sum of inputs = sum of outputs:
If not, the ‘pool size’ rises or falls until they do
This works at the level of the cell, organ and whole body.
Inputs and outputs need not match second-to-second:
In general inputs > outputs in the timescale of growth and development.
Negative Feedback
The aim is maintenance of a particular value of the controlled variable, in the face of perturbations
If the variable leaves the target range, a sensor is activated
A feedback signal is then sent to an effector
The effector then opposes the unwanted change
This is closed-loop negative feedback:
If something goes too high, this is sensed and processes are activated to bring it down
If something goes too low, this is sensed and processes are activated to bring it up.
Feedback Pathways in whole-body homeostasis
Sensors may report to a brain centre, which issues neural or hormonal signals to the effector organs
These mechanisms are often complicated and multiple
Keep the basic principles in mind:
Steady state
Error signals
Negative feedback
Negative Feedback vs Positive Feedback
Negative feedback - effectors act to minimise the perturbation so brings stability.
Positive feedback - effectors act to increase the perturbation so brings instability but is useful e.g. the nerve action potential.
Decompensation is commonly used to describe this or failures of homeostasis in disease.
Transport and Boundaries
Cell membrane is a lipid bilayer
Permeable to gases, small non-polar molecules
Polar solutes and larger molecules only permeate through specific transporters
Water can travel by diffusion through the lipid-bilayer and water-selective pores (aquaporins): net permeability
Osmosis is water transport across membranes in response to solute distribution: from lower to higher solute concentration until they equalise, if they ever do
Effective osmolality of a fluid is determined by total concentrations of solutes and their permeabilities, in relative to water.
Note: osmolality means mmol/kg water, molarity means mmol/l solution
Across the cell membrane, the osmolar gradient depends on concentration of salts, glucose and proteins (not urea, because this usually freely permeates).
Across the capillary epithelium, the oncotic pressure gradient depends on protein concentration, as small solutes can cross freely.
Passive Transport across the plasma membrane
a) Simple diffusion through the lipid bilayer
b) Facilitated diffusion through a nonspecific transporter
c) Facilitated diffusion through a specific transporter
Osmosis through the lipid bilayer and an aquaporin
Cell Volume
Set by osmotically active-cell contents, and osmolality of extracellular fluid (ECF):
ECF osmolality increases (hypertonic) = cell volume decreases
ECF osmolality decreases (hypotonic) = cell volume increases
ECF osmolality is set by whole body mechanisms:
Control of Na+ content: dominated by renal Na+ handling
Control of body water: thirst, sweating, renal water handling
‘Osmoles’ in cells = ions and metabolites e.g. amino acids
Can be regulated e.g. cerebral osmoregulation defence against cerebral swelling in water overload and cerebral shrinking in dehydration.
Membrane Potential: Principles 1
Gibbs-Donnan potential arises because negatively charged anions (proteins) are trapped in the cell: results in inside negative potential.
The Plasma Membrane Na+ K+ -ATPase
This uses metabolic energy (from ATP hydrolysis) to establish a highly non-equilibrium transmembrane ion distribution.
Membrane Potential: Principles 2
Effects of transmembrane ion gradients:
At equilibrium, membrane potential (Em) would settle at the ‘Nernst potential’.
Actual potential depends on permeabilities to back-leak of ions: the Goldman equation
When permeability to one ion is much larger, this dominates the membrane potential, which becomes closer to that ion’s Nernst potential.
The Action potential in Nerve and Muscle
Resting Em (membrane potential) set by K+ gradient established by Na+ K+ -ATPase, plus K+ outward leak: inside negative (-60mV) = K+ Nernst potential
Action potential results from transient increase in Na+ permeability (positive feedback): Na+ enters cell and Em (membrane potential) approaches Na+ Nernst potential, inside positive (+30mV): depolarisation.
Em (membrane potential) restored by K+ efflux: repolarisation: returns to -60mV
Regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration
Equilibrium cellular concentration of Ca2+ would be very high, given negative membrane potential.
The energy of the Na+ gradient and of ATP directly is used to pump it out, keeping [Ca2+] approximately 100-300nM.
Cellular pH Regulation
Inside-negative cell attracts H+ in, tending to acidify cell
Active process of H+ extrusion (mainly the Na+/H+ antiporter) moderates this: another membrane pump and leak process.
Result is a modestly acid cell (pH of 7.1) at steady state, roughly corresponding to the set-point of the H+ efflux process
If H+ generation increases (e.g. lactate production in exercising muscle), rate of efflux process becomes important in cell pH.
Na+/H+ Antiporter (Na+/H+ exchanger - NHE)
Family of transporters found in the membranes of many cells.
As well as controlling pH, in renal tubular cells (notably proximal convoluted tubule) they contribute to net transport across the cell.
Electroneutral exchange of Na+ and H+: the energy of the [Na+] gradients drives H+ efflux from the cell into the tubule lumen: acid excretion
The Blood Brain Barrier
Restricts movement of bacteria, large molecules, and most small molecules into the brain.
Entrance into brain requires molecules to be lipid soluble, molecular weight of less than 400, not substrates of active efflux transporters (AET)
Other molecules pass only if transported by carrier-mediated transporters (CMT) or receptor-mediated transport (RMT)
Waste products and small molecules that are too large or hydrophilic to pass through the blood brain barrier leave the brain as substrates of AET.
Implications for therapy: limit access to drugs.
In inflammation, traumatic brain injury or ischaemic stroke, the blood brain barrier is compromised, allowing passage of larger and hydrophilic molecules.
Cerebral Volume
Cerebral volume consists of 3 sub-spaces:
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Non-neuronal cells in blood brain barrier
Astrocytes, pericytes and vascular endothelial cells
Regulation of Body Temperature
Hypothalamic thermoregulatory centres
Peripheral temperature sensors.
Heat losing: behavioural (avoid heat), sweating, skin vasodilation
Heat conserving: behavioural (avoid cold), skin vasoconstriction
Heat generating: non-shivering thermogenesis (metabolic), shivering
Heat challenge exceeds the regulatory capacity
Organ dysfunction due to heat impairs regulatory mechanisms:
Low cardiac output reduces skin blood flow: unwanted positive feedback
Heat stroke = cerebral dysfunction with body core temperature >40 degrees Celsius.
Regulation of pH
Sensors: chemoreceptors
Central: respiratory centre in medulla oblongata senses CSF pH
Peripheral CO2 sensors in aorta and carotid artery walls
Respiratory rate increases in response to pH fall: works via pCO2
Renal acid excretion increase in response to pH fall: works via HCO3-
The Bicarbonate Buffer System
A metabolic waste-product is ‘used’ as a major pH buffer system
H2O + CO2 <-> H2CO3 <-> H+ + HCO3-
Carbonic anhydrase = carbonic dehydratase catabolises conversion of water and carbon dioxide to bicarbonate. CA is a widely distributed family of zinc metalloenzymes.
Abnormalities of pH: Respiratory examples
Respiratory alkalosis:
Hyperventilation: hypocapnia (low pCO2) = high pH
Increased Ca2+ binding to albumin = neuromuscular sensitivity = hypocalcaemic tetany
Respiratory acidosis:
Impaired lung function: hypercapnia = low pH = various symptoms & signs.
pCO2 = mmHg (millimetres per Mercury)
Abnormalities of pH: Metabolic Examples
Metabolic acidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis: increased acid load = low [HCO3-] = low pH
Compensatory hyperventilation lowers pCO2 (‘respiratory compensation’)
Metabolic alkalosis
Prolonged vomiting (acid loss) plus renal HCO3- retention = high [HCO3-] = high pH
Compensatory hypoventilation raises pCO2 (respiratory compensation)
Regulation of Blood Glucose
Sensors and signals:
Pancreatic beta cell (insulin) and alpha cell (glucagon)
Effectors: hyperglycaemia = insulin
Stimulates muscle & hepatic glucose uptake and glycogenesis
Also inhibits adipose tissue lipolysis
Effectors: Hypoglycaemia = glucagon
Stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis = glucose release.
Type I Diabetes
Type I diabetes: loss of insulin secretion
Reduced glucose uptake = hyperglycaemia = osmotic diuresis = dehydration
Increased adipose tissue lipolysis = increased circulating fatty acids = increased fatty acid oxidation to ketone bodies = metabolic acidosis = ketacidotic coma
Type II Diabetes
Type II diabetes: tissue resistance to insulin (obesity)
Reduced glucose uptake and usage = hyperglycaemia (usually less severe)
Related to lipid metabolic abnormalities: ‘metabolic syndrome’ (abdominal obesity, hypertension, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia) and fatty acid liver disease
Regulation of osmolality: fluid balance
Sensors: osmoreceptors
In hypothalamus:
Supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei (controls ADH secretion by posterior pituitary)
Lateral preoptic area (controls thirst)
In macula densa region of renal juxtaglomerular apparatus
Signals and effectors: increased osmolality =
Increased thirst
Increased vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) = urine water retention
Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibition
Regulation of Arterial Blood Pressure
Baroreceptors in high-pressure system: aortic arch and carotid sinus
Integrating centres in rostral ventrolateral medulla: autonomic control of cardiac output
Effectors and signals: decreased blood pressure ->
Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) stimulation
Synthesis of angiotensin II: Vasoconstriction
Secretion of aldosterone: increased renal distal tubular Na+ & H2O resorption
Note: Vasoconstriction in non-critical organs spares perfusion in e.g. brain
Regulation of Blood Volume
Sensors: Volume receptors in the low-pressure system: atria and pulmonary arteries
Signals and effectors: increased blood volume =
Decreased heart rate
Decreased RAS activity and
Increased secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP): inhibits renal distal tubular Na+ and H2O resorption = increased urine salt and water loss
Decreased secretion of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH): increased urine water loss.