Major Review Thus Far Flashcards
Eboard and Duties
Consul- Mike Maher
Cultivate unity in the chapter and responsible for actions of the chapter
Pro Consul- Travis Mruzik
Oversee P.I.T program and head of the executive chapter committee
Annotator - Samual Woods 4th
Keeps permanent member data, keeps minutes at meetings
Quaestor- Thomas Soma
Collect dues and prepare a chapter budget
Kustos- Mitchell Waller
Ensure privacy of Chapter meetings, preserve the rituals of the chapter
Risk Manager- Martin Dennis
Educate brothers on risk management, implement a risk management program
Philanthropy Chair- Andrew Skeleton
Create philanthropy event calander, ensure brothers participate in philanthropy events
Recruitment Chair- Thomas Munoz
Plan recruitment programs, ensure brothers help in recruitment of new members
Magister- Logan Brown
Prepares pledges for initiation into Sigma Chi, ensures pledges understand the commitment to the fraternity
All founders by week so far and the associated word with the ones we know
- Benjamin Piatt Runkle- Courage
- Thomas Cowan Bell- Wisdom
- Willim Lewis Lockwood- integrity
- Isaac M Jordan - High Ambition
- Daniel William Cooper - Self Control
- Franklin Howard Scobey - Courtesy
- James Parks Caldwell - Fidelity
The Jordan Standard
The confidence of the Founders of Sigma Chi was based upon a belief that the principles which they professed and the ideal of the Fraternity which they sought were but inperfectly realized in the organization by which they were surrounded
The standard with which the Faternity started was declared by Isaac M. Jordon to be that of admitting no man to membership in Sigma Chi who is not believed to be
A man of good character, a student of fair ability, with ambitious purposes, a congenial disposition, possessed of good morals, having a high sense of honor, and a deep sense of personal responsibility
Word Count: p1 40, p2 31, p3 33 total 104
The Spirit of Sigma Chi
The Spirt of Sigma Chi as concieved by the Founders more then 140 years ago yet visible and alove today is based on a theory that: Friendship among members sharing a common belief in an ideal, and possessing different temperments, talents, and conviction, is superior to friendship amoung members having the same temperments, talents, and convictions and that Genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of individuality or sacrificing ones personal judgement
My Badge
I might be forced to admit that there is some similarity between the ideals of Sigma Chi and those of other fraternities, but I will not share the beautiful and symbolic supremacy of the White Cross of Sigma Chi with any other badge in the Greek World.
The badge of my fraternity is a cross, a sign and a symbol known to all the world , uplifting HIM of whom our badge reminds us. It is not a shield of timid defense, nor a drawn sword of oppressive aggression, nor an arrow swift and sure on its mission of death. It is not a diamond, so rich and so rare as to not have no part in the common crowd, nor a crescent pale and incomplete, nor a star shining with a borrowed ray. It is not a lamp whose feeble flame is extinguished by the slightest gust of wind that blows, nor a simple monogram of mysterious Greek letters presuming to reveal some hidden meaning.
But a cross, with its base planted in the common clay of Earth, it arms outstretched to all the world, and its head lifted heavenward. It is a White Cross, suggesting purity. As any pure white surface reflects all the rays of light without the absorption of any, so the White Cross of Sigma Chi reflects its ideals unselfishly to all Mankind.
-W Henry Mclean