Major Fungal Phyla Flashcards
Chytridomycota (Chytrids)
Derivation of Phylum name: chytridion (little pot)
- Special name of their spores: zoospores
- Principle reproductive mechanism: sexual
- General role(s) and environments:
- Aquatic environments
- Decomposition
- Special
features/characteristics: - Responsible for chytridiomycosis
- Mutualistic relationship with ruminants
- The only fungus with flagellated spores
- Specific examples
- Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Zygomycota (Zygomycetes)
Derivation of Phylum name: Zygosporangium
- Special name of their spores: Sporangiospores
- Principle reproductive mechanism: sexual
- General role(s) and environments: terrestrial
- Special features/characteristics:
- Coenocytic
- Fungal allergic responses
- Ectomycorrhizal associations
- Examples:
Bread molds, molds on fruit, dung cannon
fungus (Pilobus sp.), Brood X (Massospora sp.)
Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
Derivation of Phylum name: Glomero = ball-like
- Special name of their spores: glomerospores
- General examples of the types of fungi included:
Plant root-associated mutualists - Principle reproductive mechanism: asexual
- General role(s) and environments:
Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations - Special features/characteristics:
- Coenocytic
- All known species form arbuscular mycorrhizae
with plants
Derivation of Phylum name:
Refers to the sexual ascus structure
- Special name of their spores:
- Sexual: ascospores
- Asexual: conidia
- General examples of the types of fungi included:
bread yeast, brewers yeast, morels, Penicillium sp.
Aspergillus species, cup fungus - Principle reproductive mechanism: asexual
- General role(s) and environments:
Decomposing wood, grains, fruit - Special features/characteristics: includes many
edible species, penicillin, and aflatoxins
Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Derivation of Phylum name:
Refers to the sexual basidium structure
- Special name of their spores: basidiospores
- General examples of the types of fungi included:
Button mushrooms, puffballs, shelf fungi, smut,
rust - Principle reproductive mechanism: sexual
- General role(s) and environments:
Decomposing wood, cellulosic materials - Special features/characteristics:
Includes many edible species, hallucinogenic
species, toxic species, and Fairy rings
Phylum name for chitidiomycota (chytrids) come from what?
chytridion (little pot)
(reproductive strucutre, not the fruiting body)
Special name of Chytridomycota spores?
Principle reproductive mechanism for Chytridomycota?
What is the only fungus with flagellated spores?
Chytridomycota (chytrids)
General role(s) and environments of Chytridomycota (chytrids)
- Aquatic environments
- Decomposition
Special features/characteristics of Chytridomycota (chytrids)
- Responsible for chytridiomycosis(frog murder)
- Mutualistic relationship with ruminants
- The only fungus with flagellated spores
- Specific examples
- Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Special features/characteristics of Zygomycota (Zygomycetes):
- Coenocytic
- Fungal allergic responses
- Ectomycorrhizal associations
- Examples:
Bread molds, molds on fruit, dung cannon
fungus (Pilobus sp.), Brood X (Massospora sp.)
Special name of their spores: Zygomycota (Zygomycetes)
- Principle reproductive mechanism: Zygomycota (Zygomycetes)
Derivation of Phylum name: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
Glomero = ball-like
Special name of their spores: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
Zygomycota (Zygomycetes)* General role(s) and environments:
Also Examples:
Bread molds, molds on fruit, dung cannon
fungus (Pilobus sp.), Brood X (Massospora sp.)
General examples of the types of fungi included: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
Plant root-associated mutualists
Principle reproductive mechanism: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
General role(s) and environments: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
-Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
- Special features/characteristics: Glomeromycota (Glomeromycetes)
- Coenocytic
- All known species form arbuscular mycorrhizae
with plants
Derivation of Phylum name: Ascomycota
Refers to the sexual ascus structure
Special name of their spores: Ascomycota
(hint: two)
Sexual: ascospores
Asexual: conidia
General examples of the types of fungi included: Ascomycota
bread yeast, brewers yeast, morels, Penicillium sp.
Aspergillus species, cup fungus
Principle reproductive mechanism: Ascomycota
General role(s) and environments: Ascomycota
Decomposing wood, grains, fruit
Special features/characteristics: Ascomycota
includes many
edible species, penicillin, and aflatoxins
Derivation of Phylum name: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Refers to the sexual basidium structure
Special name of their spores: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
General examples of the types of fungi included: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Button mushrooms, puffballs, shelf fungi, smut,
Principle reproductive mechanism: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
What 3 fungal phyla are grody little animals and prefer to reproduce sexually?
hint: baszycho
-Chytridomycota (Chytrids)
-Zygomycota (Zygomycetes)
-Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
General role(s) and environments: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Decomposing wood, cellulosic materials
Special features/characteristics: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Includes many edible species, hallucinogenic
species, toxic species, and Fairy rings
What two fungal phyla are coenocytic?
hint: glozo
Zygomycota and the Glomeromycota
How many major fungal phyla are there?
what is this classification, and
fungi in this don’t do what?
-fungi that do not reproduce sexually and have no sexual reproductive features
-just a temporary we don’t know wtf you are holding group
-would take DNA sequencing to figure it out
is Deuteromycetes a true phylum?
Fungi perfecti-
Fungi that can do both sexual and asexul reproduction are considered “perfect” = complete (they can commit sexual, everyone can do asexual)
Fungi imperfecti:
(bonus: placed in the holding group _________________ ?)
Imperfect fungi (no sex!) group of fungi without fruiting body so we don’t know where to put them
What three fungal phyla form ectomycorrhizal associations?
(acronym kinda sounds like egyptian goddess of cats I think)
Zygomycetes, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota
Chytrimycota fruiting bodies- look like what?
(sorry I cant attach pictures :’) )
Globular fruiting body (containing spores), lots of little hyphae branchin out
**see unit III pg 79
Zygomycota isn’t named for fruiting body but rather survival mechanism, what does this structure look like?
-thick walled structure
(resistant to radiation, dessication, chemicals like bleach, nuclear war
-Zygosporangium hard coating
-looks like ((double icecream cone)
Is the zygosporangium the fruiting body?
NO, survival mechanism that waits to germinate until nice place
-Germinates into sporangium on a short stalk (that is the spore, the zygosporangium has no spores inside it, only one like this)
Is the zygosporangium diploid?
fruiting body yes or no?
Have the genes, seem too shy to do the sex in front of any of us tho
so as to our knowlege no
Glomeromycetes- spores called Glomerospores
why, and look like what?
Named bc look like a bunch of little bals (globular)
Looks like a blob with a lifeline to other blobs all connected to one line
**see unit III pg 98
What fungal phyla has asexual spores and sexual spores?
(bonus for asexual spore name and sexual fruiting body)
Conidia- asexual spores
Sexual fruiting body-Ascocarp (collection of asci) forms and then fully developed discharges spores all at once
What do asexual Ascomycota spores (conidia) look like?
Skeleton hand
(google conidia, slides ones be hidden)
What does the fruiting body of Ascomycota sexual fruiting body (ascocarp) look look like?
**see unit III pg 112-114
but a bunch of like tubes of spores in a linear chain, all along cup in cup fungi)
What is the name of the Ascomycota sexual fruiting body (only one)
Sexual fruiting body-Ascocarp (collection of asci) forms and then fully developed discharges spores all at once
10/10 would recommend reviewing sexual Ascomycota reproduction real quick
unit III pg 111
Why do fungi do freaky things to a lot of us?
(us being non-fungal organisms in general)
-Fungi make a lot of strange metabolites, many fit into our processes and do stuff, happen to interact with our processess
Basidiomycota- name of spores?
Basidiomycota- what does the fruiting body (bacisium) look like?
Looks like BK crown,
The basiocarp gills are lined with the fruiting
body: bacisium
**see unit III pg 123