Main Concepts Flashcards
Ubiquity of microorganisms:
TSY plates
Know how to swab
Whatever magnification on lens, times ten for eye lens.
10x objects: see 25 micrometer size (Protozoa) 20-100
40x objective: see 6 micrometer size (yeast) 4-10
100x objective: see 2.5 micrometer (bacteria) 1
Virus 0.1 micrometer, too small for microscope.
Microscopy wet mounts:
Brownian motion: random vibration movement
Motility: organism swimming using flagella usually.
Aseptic technique:
Be sterile
Microscopy: simple staining/ gram stain
Purpose of oil immersion: prevent refraction of light. Allows good resolution (able to see closely spaced objects as indidiviual objects)
Gram stain is differential stain.
Plate counts:
Confluent growth: lawn of cells: not isolated colonies.
CFU: not all organisms will grow in lab setting.
Isolating and identifying bacteria
Aerobic vs anaerobic growth
Microaerophiles: organism require oxygen but can only tolerate it in limited amounts)
Aerotolerant anaerobes: grow in presence of oxygen but don’t use it for metabolism.
Killing bacteria by moist heat:
Endoscopes are bacillus and clostridium.
Uv bacteria
Kills bacteria through DNA mutation. Does not effect endoscopes.
Isolation of streptococcus salivarius.
TSY+ sucrose make S. Salivarius gumdrop like.
Generation time
Lag, log/expoential, stationary (new cells = dying cells), death phase (out of resources!)
Higher temp= faster generation time
Isolation and examination of microorganisms in soil
Nitrogen fixations: Azotobacter, clostridium, Klebsiella.
Endoscopes very resistant to regular gram stain. (Appear colorless)
Endospore stain:
Make green paper towel stain over sample and heat over a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Rinse briefly with water and allow to decolorize by flooding slide WITH water for a few seconds.
Counterstain with Saffranin.
Antibiotic production by streptomyces.
Narrow spectrum antibiotics: inhibit of kill only limited types of microorganisms,
Broad spectrum: inhibit or kill wide range of microorganisms
Luminescent bacteria
Bacterial luciferase: produces light through this enzyme.