Gram Staining Flashcards
The Gram stain is an example of what type of stain?
Differential Stain
What is a deferential stain?
Differentiating cell types, which will be stained different colors as a result of the procedure.
What is the procedure of a gram stain and its purpose? What would be the result of looking under the microscope at each step?
*After we do the simple heat-fix smear
1. Cover smear with crystal violet 30-60 sec, then wash; everything purple!
2. Rinse with iodine, then cover with iodine for 30-60 sec, then wash; everything still purple!
3. Decolorize gram stain with 95% ethanol 20-30 sec, then wash IMMEDIATELY; Gram+ still purple! Gram- is clear.
4.Counterstain with Saffranin 30-60 sec, then wash and blot+let dry; Gram+ still purple! Gram- now pink/red.
Why is the decolorizing step time sensitive in the gram staining procedure?
Because it’s possible to over decolorize smears so that gram+ bacteria lose the stain complex, or to under decolorize smears so that the Gram- bacteria don’t lose the stain complex
Why can we restain with Saffrinin and still have differential staining?
Because gram+ is already purple, even though it’s stain pink, the purple overpowers it.