Maida F06 - gerund, vbs followed by inf or subj Flashcards
1 ¡Qué pena! Se nos están pudriendo los limones. (pudrise)
- estar + gerund = action in development
- Pedro llegó dando abrazos a todos. (dar abrazo a)
- Refer to how he reached a place or did
- What a shame! Our lemons are rotting.
- Why gerund?
- Pedro arrived giving everyone a hug.
- Why gerund?
- No tengo relación con los asuntos TURBIOS de Alejandro
2. turbios (n) = sediment, turbio = mirky, cloudy, muddy
- I have nothing to do with Alejandro´s DIRTY/SHADY dealings/business. (S+P)
- What does DIRTY/SHADY normally mean as noun + adj?
- Mi padre se duerme viendo la tele.
- Refer 2 actions happening same time. Clue = silent WHILE ie no mientras in sentence).
- Me gusta escuchar música trabajando.
- My father slept while watching the tele.
- Why gerund? What’s the clue?
- I like listening to music while working.
No me INFRAVALORES, Sergio. (infravalorar)
Don’t UNDERESTIMATE me Sergio. (S+P)
- Recuerdo a Ana DANDO sus primeros pasos.
- Recorder = a verb + gerund refering to s.o else. There is a silent WHEN eg I remember when Ana took her 1st steps.
- Amalia conoció a su marido viajando por Cuba.
- Conocer = same as 2.
- I remember Ana taking her first steps.
- Why gerund? What’s the clue?
- Amalia met her husband traveling around Cuba.
- Why gerund? What’s the clue?
- ¿Que te pongo?
- a small coffee with just a little milk = macchiato (short black with dash of froth)
4, Un cortado FLOJO.
- What can I get you?
- A cortado, STRONG.
- What is a cortado?
- What if wanted a WEAK cortado?
- Me tropocé subiendo las escaleras.
2. Refer 2 actions happening same time. Clue = silent WHILE ie no mientras in sentence).
- I tripped climbing the stairs.
2 Why gerund? What’s the clue?
- Me siento tan RASTRERA.
- Despreciable
- Hosco … Arisco
- Altivo, Altanero
- I feel so LOW (as in mean, despicable) (S+P)
- Another word for despicable?
- Surly … unfriendly (adj)
- haughty (2) (adj)
- aconsejar, acostumbrarse A, encantar, encargarse DE, espera, gustar, insistir EN, necesitar, preferir, querer, recomendar
- main vb + inf vb = refer to same person
- main vb + subj vb = refer to diff people
1, What 11 verbs can + inf OR + subj?
- When verb + inf?
- When verb + que + subj?
- Bueno, deja de darle vueltas.
2. La cabeza me da vueltas.
- Well, stop thinking about it. (S+P) (Olga was obsessing about it) (Coll)
- My head is spinning.
- present subj = refer present + future
- past imperf subj = refer to past + after main vb = conditional
- main vb + PREP + que + subj
- 11 vbs = + inf OR subj, when use PRESENT subj?
- 11 vbs = + inf OR subj, when use PAST IMPERF subj?
- If main verb has a prep (encargarse de) where is the prep placed? (when que + subj)
- ¡Tú no te metas. Esto no va contigo!
- Sí va conmigo. Estas gritando a mi hija.
- Los siento, no debería HABER levantado el voz.
- You stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you! (S+P)
- Yes, its to do with me. You´re shouting at my daughter.
- Sorry. I shouldn´t have raised my voice. (said to both Olga + Antonio)
- Dejar, invitar, permitir, prohibir, recomendar
2. Only recomendar
- What 5 verbs + inf OR + subj WHEN verbs refer to diff people?
- Which of these 5 vbs in list of 11 vbs (which + inf or + subj)
No te necesito PARA NADA.
You’ve got nothing I NEED. (S+P)
- acordarse DE, recordar, olvidarse DE (to forget about or to), olvidar (to forget)
- none
- What 4 vbs + que + present indicative WHEN verbs refer to diff people?
- Which of these 4 vbs in list of 11 vbs (which + inf or + subj)
¿Cómo SI pudiera rEIRME de tI?
No SEAS ridículo y NO TE HAGAS EL ofendido.
As if I could laugh at you.
Don´t be ridiculous and don’t take offence.
- Mi médico siempre me aconseja que COMA poco.
2. aconsejar + que + present subj = referring to present (or future)
- My doctor always advises me TO EAT little.
2. Why TO EAT in tense that it is?
- Mario se ha acostumbrado a que Lupe HAGA la comida
2. acostombrarse a + que + present subj = referring to present (or future)
- Mario is accustomed to Lupe MAKING the meal.
2. Why MAKING in tense that it is?
CUALQUIERA PUDIERA HABER visto de un vistazo que era FALSO. (Maida changed farsante to falso)
Anyone could have seen at a glance that it was a fake.