Maida F04 - subj v preterit Flashcards
- When the subj of main vb + inf = same
2. If diff subj + pronoun after infinitive
1 When USUALLY use antes de/después de/hasta + INF?
2. What happens in the exception?
- Llámame (tú) antes de venir (tú).
- Same subj = same DON’T include subj.
- Lo hice (tú) antes de llegar TÚ.
- Diff subj = ADD subj after inf.
- Call me before you come?
- Grammar point re 1.
- I did it before you came.
- Grammar point re 2.
- present subj = talk about sth in future
2. preterite subj = talk about sth in past OR with conditional
- When use antes de/después de/hasta + que + SUBJ? (2)
- Quiero irme antes de + que + llegue Andres.
- antes de + que + present subj = talking about future
- Dijo que no se iría + hasta + que + le pagásamos.
- cond + hasta + que = pres subj
- I want to go before Andrés arrives.
- Why tense?
- He said that he wouldn´t go until we paid him.
- Why tense?
- to refer to HABITUAL in present
- No se va a casa HASTA + QUE + terminA todo el trabajo. (ie habitually)
- to refer to HABITUAL in past
- When use hasta + que + PRESENT INDIC?
- He doesn’t go home until he finishes all his work.
- When use hasta + que + preterit imperfect?
- La primera cosa que hiZO FUE reírse de mí.
2. LUEGO, dio la vuelta y SE marchó hasta la puerta, LA cerrÓ y LA asegurÓ. (asegurar)
- The 1st thing he did was laugh at me.
2. Then he turned and walked to the door, shut it and LOCKED it.
- Me fui antes de llegar ellos.
2. Antes de acostarte, apaga la tele, por favor.
- I left before they arrived.
2. Before you go to bed turn off the light please.
- salir disparado
- desbocarse
- If I could have BOLTED in that moment I would have.
- to bolt (human), dash off etc
- to bolt (horse)
- Baja la música antes de + que + me enfade, Alvaro.
- antes de + que + subj = talking about future.
- Ángel siempre empazaba a comer antes de + que + se sentara su madre.
- past + habitual + antes de = past imperf subj. Note - add su madre cos has a diff subject.
- Lower the music before I get mad, Alvaro.
después de/hasta + inf? - Why tense?
- Ángel would always start eating before her mother sat down.
- Why tense? Grammar point?
- LUEGO SE me acercO FROTANDOSE los puños. (puñado)
- Sabía que algo malO estaba POR SUCEDER.
- Con cada paso que DABA, me DABA más MIEDO.
- Then he approached me RUBBING his FISTS. (fists v handful)
- I knew that something bad WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
- With every step he TOOK, I GOT more scared.
- Ex altos cargos del régimen que usaron su posición para cobrar MORDIDAS millonarias.
- Casas en lujosas URBANIZACIONES.
- Una casa que fue TASADA en $X. (tasar)
- Ex high regime officials who used their position to charge million dollar BACK-HANDERs. (El Pais)
- Houses in luxurious HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS.
- A house that was VALUED AT $X.
- Los cachorros de león se rezagaron de la manada. (rezagarse)
- rezegador/a.
- Los estudiantes se vieron con desconcierto.
- The lion cubs STRAGGLED BEHIND the pack. (n = cub = puppy also)
- straggler
- The students looked at each other in CONFUSION/BEWILDERMENT.
Sin embargo, tú permites que te trata como a un PILTRAFA
Nonetheless, you allow him to treat you like a NOTHING/ A WORTHLESS WRETCH (ie a politer expression than piece of shit) (S+P)
- Los dos boxeadores forcejeaban en el cuadrilátero. (forcejear)
- Anita luchaba con la decisión. (luchar + con)
- pedregoso, frío
- The two boxers GRAPPLED in the ring. (physically struggle)
- Anita GRAPPLED WITH the decision. (mentally struggle)
- stony (ground), stony (look)
¡ni se te ocurra!
Don’t even think about it! (S+P)
- Eso fue una pregunta DESCARADA.
- Me miró con DESPRECIO.
3, despreciar = to despise - desdén = disdain
- That was an IMPUDENT question.
- She looked at me with SCORN/CONTEMPT.
- n = scorn = comes from what vb?
- Alt n to scorn?
Esto no es NIMIO, Karim.
This isn’t TRIVIAL, Karim. (S+P)
- ¡Qué rica estaba la limonada!
- ME la habría bebido ENTERA.
- Refer to past desire not fulfilled.
- Me = beberse = saying drink IT ALL UP
- The lemonade was delicious.
- I could have drunk it ALL.
- Why that tense?
- Grammatical point
- ¿Os habéis ENROLLADO tú y Karim?
2. Sí, sí nos hemos ENROLLADO
- You and Karim have GOT OFF TOGETHER? (S+P)
2. Yes, yes we´ve MADE OUT/HOOKED UP.