Macromolecules Flashcards
is what you eat important and why?
yes, diffrent foods do diffrent things
what is a macromolecule
its a large molecule that are critiacally important to all living things.
- they are made of smaller units called monomers
what is a monomer
one unit of macromolecules
- they form toghther to make polymers
what is a polymer
strand of many monomers
- like the whole necklace is a polymer and the monomers are the “beads”
what is the process of breaking down polymers
what are the 4 types of macromolecules
- carbohydrates
-proteins - nutrilic acid
what is the process called when monomers join toghther
what are the elements of carbohydrates
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
- C,H,O
what is the monomer of carbohydrates
what is the function of carbohydrates
energy source and cell structure
ex. sugar, starch, fiber
- most carbohydrates end in “ose”
what are the carbohydrates types
carbohydrates differ by how many molecules they have:
-monosaccharides: 1 surgar
ex. glucose
-Disaccaride: 2 sugars
ex. sucrose
- Polysaccharides: many sugars
ex. starch, glycon, cellulose, chitin
what are the elements of lipids
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
what are the functions of lipids
long term energy storage, cell membranes, body insulations, cushion the organs
what are the types of lipids
Triglycerides, phospholids, steroids
what are the two regions of lipids
glycerol and fatty acids
what are examples of lipids
fats, oils, waxes on animals, steroids - hormones
- they are hydrophobic they like resist water
what is a trylyceride- 1 gylercol, 3 fatty acids
what are the functions of fats
energy storage ( more storage than carbs)
- they can be saturated or unsaterated
is a saturated fat solid or liquid at room temp
is a unsaturated fat solid or liquid at room temp
what do physpholipids do
they form membranes of cells
-hydrophilic and hydrophobic
what are the elements of proteins
carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen
what are the monomers of proteins
amino acids (there are 20 diffrent ones)
what is the funtion of proteins
( little bit of everything) enzymes, hormons, form bones and muscles, transports substances
what are examples of proteins
insulin, collogien, hemoglobin, leratin, malanin
- a lot of proteins end in -in
what are the 4 functions of organization for proteins
-primary: amino acids
-secondary: twists and folds of aminic acids chain
- tertiary: chain folds into 3-d shape
-quatenary: more than 1 chain held toghther
what are nuclic acids elements
carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and phrosperous
what are the monomers of nucliac acids
what are the functions of nucleic acids
storing and transmitting genetic information and instructs to make proteins
what are the two types of nucliec acids
dna and rna
Glucose is an example of what type of macromolecule?
What is the name of the single units that link together to form
Some fats are solid at room
temperature. These fats are
called __________ fats.
What are the two types of
macromolecules that consist of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?
carbohydrates and lipids
Cellulose is an important
component for the structure of plant cell walls. What type of molecule is cellulose?
Fatty acids and glycerol are the common components of which macromolecule?
Which macromolecule has many different functions, including working as enzymes that speed up reactions?
Bread, candy, pasta, and fruits
are all foods that have high
amounts of this macromolecule.
Which macromolecule contains
essential genetic information for
nucleic acids
What is the term that describes
the polymer of a protein that
gets folded into a 3D shape?
Which macromolecule will you not find on a nutrition facts label because it is found in all living things?
nucleic acids
Which type of macromolecule
consists of all hydrophobic molecules?