MA’AM KIM: (2) Intro To Linguistics Flashcards
How many phonemes are there in the English language?
24 - consonant sounds
20 - vowel sounds
May maliit na H may hangin na kaonti
Same na sounds pero ma iba’t ibang function
- sa mga consonant
Auxiliary Verb
It goes with the main vebr
- laging may main verb
One vowel sound
Single vowel sound in which the positioning of the articulators at both beginning and end is fairly fixed and does not glide up or down
Ex: Bill,bell, pin,keeper, epic
Two vowel sound
- coin, loud, side
Three vowel sounds that glide together
Ex: Hour, fire, player,mower
The vowels in words like stir, her, and occur
- pag may r at pronounce together
2 branches of Linguistics
Micro linguistics or theoretical
Macro- linguistics
Micro - linguistics
AKA: Theoretical
- Phonology
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Pragmatics
- Mga ginagamit na sa pang-araw araw
- Etymology
- Sociolinguistics
- Structural
- Psycholinguistics
- Bio linguistics
- Historical
- Stylistics
- Applied
- Linguistic Typology
- Computational
- Comparative
- Developmental
- Clinical
- Neurolinguistics
Studies the NATURE OF LANGUAGE , what it is all about and how it works
Micro-linguistics (Theoretical)
Studies the system of sounds, ABSTRACT PROPERTIES
Studies the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of sounds; speech sounds
(Articulation/part ng body)
Studies how words are formed
Focuses on the arrangment of words and phrases to form sentences
Study of linguistic meaning of words and sentences “Conceptual Meaning”
Study of language meaning/use
“Contextual Meaning”
Language at a broader perspective; concerned with how a language is acquired or how it relates to society as a whole
Patterns and variations in language within a society or community.; effects of cultural factors
Concerned with the processes related to word cognition and learning (language acquisition)
Application of computer science in the analysis of language and speech
Computational Linguistics
Study og language change or change of a group of language OVERTIME
Historical or Diachronic
Comparing languages to establish their similarities and differences
Language is composed of structural units such as lexical and syntactci elements
Explain evolution and formation of language
Application of language studies in real life, such as in language teaching and learning
- may real life application
For speech language PATHOLOGY
Development of linguistic ability esp sa children
CLASSIFY languages according to their structural and functional components
Linguistic typology
Studies the relationship between language and. The function of the brain
Investigates the ORIGIN of words, their birth, development etc
Morphemes (Classification)
Free Morpheme - can stand on their own
Bound Morpheme - cannot stand on their own
Ex: -ism, -ous, - re-, -tion
Bound Morphemes
Inflectional - -s, es, ed, en, ing, er, s, est
- di nagbabago yung meaning. Iyon parin
- nagbabago ang degree at tenses
Derivational - -ly, un, ness, ful
- nagbabago ng category or word class
Free Morpheme categorize into 2
Lexical Morpheme (content words)
- contain meaning of the messages
- nouns, verbs, modifiers
Functional Morphemes
- words in the sentence that modify meaning
- determiners, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections, auxiliary
- pwede tanggalin
Root - Stem - Base
Root Word
- cannot be further breakble or analyzable
- concerned with inflectional morphology
Ex: loverS
Base - any form to which affixes can be attached
Ex: love - lovers
Units of lexical meaning which are related with inflections
Ex: write —> writes
Proposes that in order to increase learners’ English proficiency, they need to regenerate output, to be specific, produce language via speech or writing and receive feedback on the comprehensible of their output.
The Output Hypothesis
- linguistic output
—> using meaning-filled speech
a spectrum where something can be “more or less” of a trait
Gradable pairs
- pretty - ugly
- merong mas maganda o mas pangit
linguistic device used to express uncertainty, caution, or probability in a sentence (cautious speech)
Pointing languges arecalled
- pwedeng maiba yung pointing depende sa kung isno nagsbai
- this (for you is) that
It begins with phrases or dependent clauses and ends with the main independent clause.
Ex: After popping several balloons, the parents revealed the baby’s gender.
Periodic Sentences
AKA prosodic features,
involves stress, timing, and intonation.
Suprasegmental Phonology
Branch of linguistics that studies the physical process of how sounds are made
In linguistics, they are the units that convey meaning. The word ‘dogs’ for example, has two of these units; the word ‘dog’ and the ‘s’ added after it to add meaning
It is the complete list of words that may be used by the users of the language
Branch of linguistics that studies how natural language is used by their users in communication
Branch of linguistics that deals with how meanings are created in the levels of words, phrases, sentences and other larger levels of discourse
Studies the rules that govern the structure of phrases and sentences in a language
Study of patterns of sounds and how they are organized to convey meaning in language
Gary is concerned with the study of accents and dialects in English.
It is a variety of language that is created when one language makes contact with other languages in a multilingual and multicultural environment. The new variety created is not amenable to the original language due to changes in pronunciition, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse use
Contact variety
Variety of language that is spoken by a subset of the population that speaks the language. The speakers of this variety are usually bound by geographical limitations and social identity
It is the area of linguistics that focuses in linguistic factors such as rhetoric, dictation and stress
Transcription of /taIp/
Pedagogical grammar, collocational grammar, ergative verbs, semantic grammar are concept developments in linguistics. List of author na koconsult ka?
Svardik, Geoffrey Leech, Celce-Murica, and Terence Odlin
Genre analysis, macro analysis, macro-discourse patterns, text analysis, micro-discourse analysis are concept developments in linguistics. Which list of authors would you consult>
Michael Hoey, Winifred Crombie, John Swales and Trimble
Conversational analysis, gambit, adjacency pairs, speech act theory are concept developments in linguistics.
John Austin, John Searle, and Dell Hymes