Linguistics Flashcards
Invention of totally new terms
aspirin, nylon, vaseline, zipper, granola, kleenex, teflon, xerox, Google
Taking over words from other languages
croissant (French), dope (Dutch), lilac (Persian), piano (Italian), pretzel (German), sofa (Arabic), tattoo (Tahitian), tycoon (Japanese), yogurt (Turkish), zebra (Bantu)
Joining of two separate words to produce a single form
Combination of 2 separate forms to produce a single new term
motel = motor and hotel
When a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form
bra = brassiere
cut ng portion lang
formed from a initial letter of a set of other words
Scuba = Self-Contained underwater breathing apparatus
A word of one type
usually a noun then reduced to form a word (verb)
donation -> donate
a change in function of a word
noun used as a verb
no reduction
exact word
Chair (n0 - chair )(v)
adding affixes
dog - dogs (same noun) same classification
comparative and superlative degree
Inflectional Morpheme
adding affixes
nababago yung classification
meaning + ful = meaningful (adverb)
Derivational Morpheme
infix - gitna
prefix - una
suffix - dulo
from proper name of place or person
Boycott (Captain Charles Boycott), Fahrenheit (Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit), Diesel (Rudolf Diesel), Sandwich (John Montagu-Earl of Sandwich)
emphasis on grammar and translation
Mother tongue
Not into speaking
Grammar Translation Method
no usage of own language, induction
L2 only
drills in listening and speaking, imitation, no memorization
- don’t explain ACT
- don’t translate DEMONSTRATE
- speak naturally
Direct Method
- Army Method
- Parroting
- Heavily oriented towards aural and oral exercises
- mim-mem (Behaviorism and structuralism)
- drills
Audio-Lingual Method
- teacher are counselors and paraphrasers
- group dynamics
- ask L1, answer in L2
- Negative effect: Ringelmann Effect
Community (Collaborative) Language Learning
“Learning achieves its maximum success when the mind is relaxed”
- students should feel safe
- desuggestion - removing affective filter
- suggestion - add something like music
- use of color rods (cuisenaire rods)
- purpose: develop self-awareness and discover
- using physical onjects
- discovery learning
- no talk, let student discover things
Silent Way
- children listen a lot + physical response
- instructor = director; students = actors
Total Physical Response
“Silent Period” (listening only) until children are ready to speak
Natural Approach
- “Oral Approach”
- English teaching in terms of providing vocabularies and sentence patterns with their frequent situations through learning materials
- accurate pronunciation and grammar to respond quickly
- Mistakes are banned
- sinasabi mo kung anong exact na gagawin
Situational Language Teaching
- “Oral Approach”
- English teaching in terms of providing vocabularies and sentence patterns with their frequent situations through learning materials
- accurate pronunciation and grammar to respond quickly
- Mistakes are banned
- sinasabi mo kung anong exact na gagawin
Situational Language Teaching
Need to accomplished a TASK
Task-Based Language Teaching
Increasing level of intensity
showing emphasis
loan translation
similar to borrowing but the borrowed word it translated form the original to another language that fits the characteristics of the new word
origin of the words