MA Flashcards
Why do we need anti-viral drugs ?
→There are no or poorly effective vaccines for some viruses important to human health
→Not everyone can be administered a vaccine, even if that vaccine is effective
→Immune response to vaccine administration can take time (and several sequential administrations)
What are the current use of anti-viral drugs?
→Treatment of acute infection →Treatment of chronic infection →Post-exposure prophylaxis and preventing infection-HIV →Pre-exposure prophylaxis →Prophylaxis for reactivated infection
Examples of acute infections treated with anti-viral drugs
→herpes infections
What drug is used to treat influenza, chickenpox, and herpes?
What chronic infections are treated with antivirals?
What viral disease cab be reactivated and what drug is used to treat it?
How do we induce selective toxicity?
→Target protein in virus, not infected cell
→Due to the differences in structure and metabolic pathways between host and pathogen
Summarise virus life cylce
→recognition →attachment →penetration →uncoating →transcription →protein synthesis →replication →assembly →lysis and release
What are the modes of action of selected anti-virals?
→Preventing virus adsorption onto host cell
→Preventing penetration
→Preventing viral nucleic acid replication (nucleoside analogues)
→Preventing maturation of virus
→Preventing virus release
What is the mechanism of action of Amantadine?
→blocks low pH endosome dependent on coating M2 protein
→influenza A
What doe HIV protease inhibitors work?
→block protein synthesis
What is the mechanism of action of Zanamivir?
→blocks viral release
What is the mechanism of action of viral interferons?
→blocks viral mRNA translation
What is the mechanism of action of AZT?
→blocks HIV reverse transcriptase to prevent formation of dsDNA provirus from the HIV RNA genome
What do acyclovir, ganciclovir, and ribavarin have in commom?
→inhibit nucleic acid polymerisation
What are some commonly used anti-viral drugs targets?
→Thymidine kinase and HSV/VZV/CMV
→Protease of HIV
→Reverse transcriptase of HIV
→DNA polymerases
→Neuraminidase of influenza virus
Why is it so difficult to develop
effective, non-toxic anti-viral drugs ?
→Viruses use cellular proteins which may have other functions
→Viruses must replicate inside cells – obligate intracellular parasites
→Viruses take over the host cell replicative machinery
→Viruses have high mutation rate - quasispecies
→Some viruses are able to remain in a latent state e.g. herpes, HPV
→Some viruses are able to integrate their genetic material into host cells
What virus causes these muco-cutaneous lesions ?
→Herpes viruses
What are the different herpes viruses?
→Herpes simplex (HSV),
→Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
→Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
→Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
What does ganciclovir treat?
→For CMV
What does foscarnet treat?
→IV/local application
→For CMV
What does cidofovir treat?
→IV for CMV
How is aciclovir used to treat CMV/EBV?
→Prophylaxis only
How is aciclovir used to treat herpes simplex?
→Treatment of encephalitis
→Treatment of genital infection
→suppressive therapy for recurrent genital herpes
How is aciclovir used to treat VZV?
→Treatment of chickenpox
→Treatment of shingles
→Prophylaxis of chickenpox
How does aciclovir work?
→Activated by Thymidine kinase by increase number of phosphate residues in aciclovir
→Looks like DNA base so viral DNA incorporates acyclovir
→chain termination
Why is aciclovir so effective and safe?
→HSV thymidine kinase (TK) has 100x the affinity for ACV compared with cellular phosphokinases
→Aciclovir triphosphate has 30x the affinity for HSV DNA polymerase compared with cellular DNA polymerase
→Aciclovir triphosphate is a highly polar compound - difficult to leave or enter cells (but aciclovir is easily taken into cells prior to phosphorylation)
→DNA chain terminator
What is the mechanism of action of ganciclovir?
→Inhibits CMV DNA polymerase
What structure is acyclovir similar to?
What are diseases ganciclovir used for?
→reactivated infection or prophylaxis in organ transplant recipients
→congenital infection in newborn
→retinitis in immunosuppressed
What is ganciclovir similar to?
What does CMV encode which is similar to TK in function?
→has UL97 kinase
When might foscarnet be used?
→because of ganciclovir resistance (TK mutants)
Describe mechanism of action of foscarnet
→Selectively inhibits viral DNA/RNA polymerases and RTs
→No reactivation required
→Binds pyrophosphate binding site – a structural mimic
What virus is foscarnet used to treat?
→CMV infection in the immunocompromised
How does cidoforvir work?
→Chain terminator - targets DNA polymerase
Competes with dCTP
Monophosphate nucleotide analog
What type of drug is cidofovir?
→phosphorylated by cellular kinases to di-phosphate
What is cidofovir used to treat?
→drug active against CMV; but MUCH MORE nephrotoxic
Treatment of retinitis in HIV disease
What are the two main ways viruses become resistant to antivirals?
→Thymidine Kinase mutants
→DNA polymerase mutants
What can be done if resistance occurs in Thymine Kinase?
→drugs not needing phosphorylation are still effective (e.g. foscarnet, cidofovir)
What happens if resistance occurs in DNA polymerase?
→all drugs rendered less effective
What are the structural features of HIV?
→Envelope protein, gp120 with transmembrane gp41
→Membrane- associated matrix protein Gag 17
→Nucleocapsid protein Gag p24
→ds RNA genome
→Viral envelope
Describe the life cycle of HIV
→Attachment with binding
of viral gp120 via CD4 and CCRX
→2. reverse transcription of RNA
into dsDNA
→3. Integration into host chromosome of proviral DNA
→4. Transcription of viral genes
→5. Translation of viral mRNA into viral proteins
→. Virus assembly and release by budding
→7. maturation
What are the types of anti-HIV drugs?
→Anti-reverse transcriptase inhibitors
→Protease inhibitors
→Integrase inhibitors
→ Fusion inhibitors- gp120/41 - biomimetic lipopeptide
→Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy HAART
What are the two types of anti-reverse transcriptase inhibitors?
→nucleoside/nucleotide RT inhibitors
→ non-nucleotide RT inhibitors (allosteric)
How do nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors work?
→Synthetic analogue of nucleoside thymidine –
when converted to tri-nucleotide by cell enzymes, it blocks RT by
→competing for natural nucleotide substrate dTTP
incorporation into DNA causing chain termination
How do non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors work?
→Non-competitive inhibitor of HIV-1 RT
→Do not look like DNA bases
Gets incorporated into viral DNA by RT- terminates production of new viral DNA
→Synergistic with NRTI’s such as AZT because of different mechanism
What are post exposure prophylaxis for HIV?
→PEP – within 72 hours post exposure - take for 28 days.
2x NRTIs + integrase inhibitor
What are pre- exposure prophylaxis for HIV?
→2x NRTIs (Truvada)
two tablets 2 – 24 hours before sex, one 24 hours after intercourse and a further tablet 48 hours after intercourse - called ‘on-demand’ or ‘event based’ dosing
What two factors lead to viral resistance to drugs?
→Mutation rate - high
→Viral load – high
What events lead to viral swarm?
→Selection pressure and mutation frequency
→Increased mutation rate seen in HIV.
→They form a quasispecies within an individual patient
How does amantadine work?
→Inhibit virus uncoating by blocking the influenza encoded M2 protein when inside cells and assembly of haemagglutinin
How do zanamivir and Oseltamivir work?
→Inhibits virus release from infected cells via inhibition of neuraminidase
How do neuraminidase inhibitors work?
→target and inhibit NA at highly conserved site (reduce chances of resistance via mutation)
→prevent release of sialic acid residues from the cell receptor
→preventing virus budding and release and spread to adjacent cells
What is influenza still sensitive to?
How is Hep C commonly transmitted?
→via blood – infectious (mother to baby)
What is Hep C a major cause of?
→chronic liver disease
What is the incubation length of Hep C?
→1 - 6 months
What family of viruses does Hep C belong to?
→enveloped; Flaviviridae family
How does ribavirin?
→Block RNA synthesis by inhibiting inosine 5’-monophosphate (IMP) dehydrogenase –
→blocks the conversion of IMP to XMP (xanthosine 5’-monophosphate)
→thereby stops GTP synthesis and, consequently, RNA synthesis
What does ribavirin treat?
→combination with pegylated interferon
What are advantages of direct-acting antivirals?
→shorten the length of therapy,
→minimize side effects,
→target the virus itself,
→improve sustained virologic response (SVR) rate
Describe the mechanism of action of direct-acting antivirals
→block replication complex formation assembly
What are the major Hep C induced viruses?
→NS2-3 and NS3-4A proteases
→NS3 helicase and NS5B
What is the post-exposure prophylaxis for Hep B?
→specific Hep B immunoglobulin (passive immunity)
→+ vaccination
→within 48 hours
What is the post-exposure prophylaxis for Hep C?
→interferon-gamma + ribavarin (anti-viral) for 6 months
→within first 2 months of exposure
→90% cure rate
What is the post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV?
→80% protection i.e. no sero-conversion
→must be FAST – hours
→antiviral drug treatment – 28 days
→2xNRTI + protease or integrase inhibitor
Examples of the incurables viruses
→rabies →dengue →Common cold viruses →Ebola →HPV →Arbovirsues