M9.2 (ears) Flashcards
What regulation is for engineers working on a/c?
CAP 562 leaflet H60
What’s the function of the ear?
Detect sound
Monitor balance
3 divisions of the ear?
Inner ear
Middle ear
Outer ear
Outer ear?
Directs sound along auditory canel and onto ear drum
Middle ear?
Located behind ear drum
Uses 3 small bones to transfer vibrations from ear drums to fluid of inner ear
What are the 3 small bones in the middle ear?
What does the aural and acoustic reflex do?
Protects the ear from sounds above 80dB
By reducing it to 20dB for 15 mins
The aural reflex causes people to be what?
Deaf for a few secs after a loud noise
What is the middle ear filled with and how is it refreshed?
Refreshed with eustachin tube connected to back of mouth and nose
What’s the problem with the eustachin tube?
Allow mucus to travel to middle ear and build up
What’s the inner ear filled with?
Inner ear?
Ossicles connected to cochlea contains a fine membrane which is covered in hair like cells.
Which react to movement in the fluid. Will then send impulses to the brain
What influences vibrations?
Pitch of sound
Permanent ringing in ear caused by loud noises
How much does hearing protection reduce noise?
Ear plugs - 20dB
Ear defenders - 40dB
When must you wear hearing protection?
Sounds above 115dB
Working 200-300m away from a/c with engines running
When hearing detirorates with age, affects the ability to hear high pitch sound
Can start from 30