M8 Topic 4: Deep inside the Atom Flashcards
What are the four fundamental forces (weakest ➞ strongest)
- Electromagnetism
- Weak force
- Strong force
- Gravitation
What is gravitation and what is its range
- the force that acts between object with mass
- Range infinite
What is the force carrier particle for gravitation
What is the weak force and what is it’s range
- The force that is responsible for radioactive decay
- Range: short
What is the force carrier particle for the weak force
Weakons ( W⁺, W⁻, Z⁰)
What is electromagnetism and what range does it have
- the force that act between charged particles
- Range: infinite
What is the force carrier particle for electromanetism
Photon (γ)
What is the strong force and what is its range
- the force that binds quarks together
- short range
What is the force carrier particle for the strong force
gluons (𝓰)
When do nucleuses become unstable (2)
- when they don’t have the correct ratio between protons and neutrons
- when on a graph of proton number against neutron number is unstable if outside of the belt of stability
what is alpha decay
the loss of a helium nucleus
what is beta minus decay
neutron ➞ proton + electron + antineutrino
What is beta plus decay
proton ➞ neutron + positron + neutrino
What is gamma decay
the release of gamma rays to lower the amount energy(lower energy level) within the nucleus
what is the radioactive decay law (half life equation)
N = N₀e^-λt (m=m₀e^-λt mass iteration) (A = N₀e^-λactivity interation
what does each symbol of the radiactive decay law (half life equation mean and what units are they measured in)
N = number of nuclei at time measured N₀= initial amount of nuclei λ = decay constant (s⁻¹) t = time passed (t)
m= mass at time measured m₀ = mass intial
A = activity in decay per second (Bq)
what is the unit for the rate of decay
becquerel (Bq) = decays per second
What is binding energy and what those it indicate
- the energy required to separate an atom into seperate parts
- the more binding energy the more stable the nucleus
What element has the highest binding energy
Iron (Fe)
What is fission
the breaking apart of a nucleus
which elements can go through fission
Uranium 236
why do elements go through fission
- as strong force only works over a very short distance, the larger the distance the less influence
- Larger the neutron the more influence electrostatic has at repelling the protons
What does uranium turn into when it enter nuclear fission
uranium 236 ➞ krypton 92 + Radium 141 + 3 neutrons
What are the components of a fission reactor (5)
- fuel rods
- moderator
- control rods
- coolant
- radiation shield
what is the role of the fuel rods and what are they made out of
- to release the energy from the breakdown of fissionable material, the daughter nucleus and neutrons
- material: Enriched uranium (uranium with 5% U-235)
what is the role of the moderator and what is it made out of
- slows neutrons to increase chance of fission events
- Material: water or heavy water (graphite ions)
what is the role of control rods and what are they made out of
- absorb excess neutrons in order to control the rate of thermal energy production
- Material: cadmium
what is the role of coolant and what is it made out of
- to absorb thermal heat produced in the reaction to prevent overheating
- material: water
What is the role of the radiation shield and what is it made out of
- it absorbs potentially harmful radiation from escaping from the reactor core
- material: lead + thick concrete