M8 Central Nervous System Infections Flashcards
What body barriers are crossed in the conditions meningitis and encephalitis respectively?
blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier crossed
blood-brain barrier crossed
What are the three meninges layers and their location?
Meninges layers are
- Dura mater (outer)
- Arachnoid
- Pia mater (inner)
Meninges are in between brain and skull bone, to protect brain and spinal cord.
What are the five different types of CNS infections?
- Blood borne - hematogenous spread: most common
- Nearby infections - Direct spread from infected site close to CNS
- Anatomic defects - Resulting from trauma, surgery or abnormalities
- Intraneural - Along nerves leading to the brain (least common)
- Abscesses - Brain abscesses can lead to meningitis (meningoencephalitis)
Primarily enter through bloodstream subarachnoid space: they cross the Blood-brain barrier
What is the pathogenesis of organisms getting into the CNS?
- Through the loss of capillary integrity of the blood-brain barrier
- Through the transport of circulating phagocytic cells
- By crossing the endothelial cell lining within endothelial cell vacuoles
What virulence factors or organisms primarily affect the CNS?
Primary virulence factors
1. encapsulated strains
2. pili
3. IgA proteases
4. endotoxins
What are the two major categories of meningitis?
- Septic (Purulent)
Significant, acute inflammatory exudative CSF with many polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes (or neutrophils) - Aseptic
Usually viral and characterized by an increase in lymphocytes
What are the symptoms of acute meningitis?
- Fever
- Stiff neck
- change in mental status
- Rapid onset
Adult Symptoms
include “stiff neck”, extreme malaise, nausea, rapid onset headache
What are the symptoms of chronic meningitis?
are the same as acute meningitis.
- Slow onset
Often occurs in patients who are immunocompromised.
What is Brudzinki’s sign and Kernig’s sign for adult meningeal irritation respectively ?
- Brudzinki’s sign: Dr. raises head towards chest while patient is lying down (supine) and patient involuntarily flexion of their hips and knees.
- Kernig’s sign: While patient is lying down (supine), Dr. raises one leg up and if the patient indicates their back hurts it is a positive kernig sign.
What are some signs of meningitis in toddlers/infants?
1. irritability
2. change in feeding
3. inability to focus
4. fontanel (indicating inflammation of brain)
5. petechial rash
6. Stiff body, jerky movements, or floppy, weak body.
What is a common cause of encephalitis? What is a potential bacterial cause of a brain abscess.
CSF’s are usually negative, with low cell counts, immunocompromised patients. It can move to a meningo-encephalitis. Brain abscess: bacteria rarely (Citrobacter can cause abscesses).
What is a potential bacterial cause of a brain abscess?
Brain abscess: bacteria rarely but - Citrobacter can cause abscesses.
How are CSF specimens collected?
- Site preparation is similar to venipuncture; chlorohexidine gluconate alternate to iodine
- 3 tubes normally sent;
- labeled as to time, date, site of draw (lumbar puncture, ventricular shunt)
What is required for fungal and acid fast bacilli investigation compared to other CSF samples?
Increased volume required for fungal and AFB (acid fast bacilli) investigation
What tube is used for microbiology from a CSF specimen collection?
2 for microbiology