M3.1 Individual Inventory Flashcards
What systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets data to identify the characteristics and potential of every client and whose data can be used in proper diagnoses, predicting progress and behaviors, accurate placement, and program evaluation?
The Individual Inventory Service
What is the Individual Inventory Service?
The Individual Inventory Service systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets data to identify the characteristics and potential of every client. The data can be used in proper diagnoses, predicting progress and behaviors, accurate placement, and program evaluation. With a well-rounded picture of each client available for reference, the program can be more responsive to specific needs. The inventory helps the people in different ways.
How can the Guidance Program be more responsive to specific needs in terms of the Individual Inventory Service?
With a well-rounded picture of each client available for reference, the program can be more responsive to specific needs.
What does the Individual Inventory Service enable the client to do?
It enables the Client to
- Develop a deeper, fuller self-awareness
- Create appropriate plans for improving the quality of life of his/her life based on this awareness and self-understanding
What does the Individual Inventory Service enable the counselor to do?
It enables the Counselor to
- Get to know the client
- Facilitate the client’s self-awareness, self-understanding and decision-making
- Ascertain appropriate avenues for clients to pursue
- Determine the best options for helping the client
- Assist significant others in understanding the client
What idea does the Individual Inventory Service give the administration and faculty?
It gives the Administration and Faculty and idea of the
- Profile of the school population
- Appropriate strategies for responding to needs, interest, and values
- Strengths and passions that can be channeled to appropriate goals
What basis would the Individual Inventory Service give parents?
Parents/Guardians would have a basis for
- Understanding their children better
- Responding more sensible to their children
What are the focal information and data gathering tools of the Individual Inventory Service?
Cumulative Record Contents:
- Personal Information
- Educational Data
- Sample Forms
What data is seeked under the personal information data of the Individual Inventory Service?
- Personal Data
- Age
- Family Background and Home Environment
- Hobbies, interests, goals, values
- Personal strengths and personality traits and characteristics
What data is seeked under the Educational Data of the Individual Inventory Service?
- Schools Attended
- Grades
- Co-curricular and extracurricular activities
- Courses taken
- Health Data
- Social Data
What data is seeked under the Sample Forms of the Individual Inventory Service?
- Personal Information Sheet
- Anecdotal Reports
- Anecdotal Record
- Rating Scales
- Checklists
- Autobiography
- Self-Expression Essay
- Self-Description Essay
- Diaries and Daily Schedules
- Questionnaires
- Structured Interviews
- Intake Interviews/Session Summaries
What is the personal data?
A Personal Data Form is distributed by the Guidance Office for all the students to fill out. Brief answers on aspects of a student’s life are requested. The information gives the counselor a view of the factors that may contribute to the development of the client’s personality and concerns. Multicultural counseling may thus be facilitated.
What are requested in the personal data form?
Brief answers on aspects of a student’s life are requested.
What view does the counselor get with the information gathered from the personal data form?
The information gives the counselor a view of the factors that may contribute to the development of the client’s personality and concerns. Multicultural counseling may thus be facilitated.
What is the age in the Individual Inventory Service?
Age indicates the developmental tasks and cries that the individual may be encountering. Knowing the characteristics of an age group, the counselor can anticipate what may hinder or promote the relationship with the client. For instance, the focus and treatment of an adolescent would be different from those of a child. The adolescent may need to express his/her thoughts and feelings more and may be able to do so with less prodding and counselor assistance than a child.
What is the Family Background and Home Environment in the Individual Inventory Service?
Family Background and Home Environment can identify possible areas of concern—whether the family is intact; whether the socio-economic situation is sufficient to meet needs of the family; whether parents or siblings are possible sources of emotional support or problems. For instance, if the parents are absent, the counselor might have to look at how this affects the child and identify other support systems.
What is the Personal strengths and personality traits and characteristics in the Individual Inventory Service?
Personal strengths and personality traits and characteristics can help pinpoint areas where the person can excel and what he/she can pursue, modify, develop, or try to avoid. Clients can understand why they respond to situation in the way they do and determine how they can improve. A person who is depressed may be encouraged to review his/her strengths and work on them. It is also possible to enable the client to understand why he/she tends to be competitive or too independent-minded by pointing out some personality traits.
How does the Individual Inventory Service work?
Problems and needs point out the areas where more intensive and personal work with the client is needed. They could prevent the client from being fully productive and effective. Responses to surveys or standardized tests may be reviewed to determine whether the prospective client should be called and what area could be focused on. For instance, if the prospective client has indicated problems in the family the routine interview can zero in on this.
What information is seeked under the educational data?
- Schools Attended
- Grades
- Co-curricular and extracurricular activities
- Courses taken
- Health Data
- Social Data
What is the Schools Attended in the Individual Inventory Service?
Schools Attended show regularity of school attendance, the kinds and locations of schools, the transfers, if any. Repetition of academic levels and gaps in between may be areas for exploration of disabilities or problems. Frequent transfers or stoppage can give insights on adjustment factors, interpersonal relationships and other problems that may obstruct academic progress and socialization. For instance, if a child has been repeating grade six and had a lot of difficulty in grade five, this could suggest mutual mental retardation which requires special schooling. The kinds and locations of schools may give a clue to strengths, weaknesses, and patterns.
What is the Grades in the Individual Inventory Service?
Grades can give a glimpse not only of subjects where the student might be interested, motivated or encouraged, but also of aptitudes or intelligence type. Areas of strength and those needing improvement could be used for academic and career counseling.
What is the Co-curricular and extracurricular activities in the Individual Inventory Service?
Co-curricular and extracurricular activities give a glimpse of the personality: Is the person active? Does he/she have initiative? Enough channels for talents and energies? Leadership qualities? Does he/she go beyond what is expected? These concerns are material for personal, academic, and career counseling. Those who have difficulty making friends or find school boring can be helped to take active part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Career planning can be guided by the activities which tap the student’s abilities and interests.
What is the Courses taken in the Individual Inventory Service?
Courses taken can refer to special courses like Taekwondo o Kumon or singing. Such training can help the student find his/her place in the school. Shy ones can be drawn out if they deliver in these areas. For college students, shifting from one course to another could be a sign of possible confusion, conflict, purposelessness or lack of guidance on what road to take.
What is the Health Data in the Individual Inventory Service?
Health Data concern physical strength and health and can signify whether the client is physically capable of coping with academic or social demands. The client’s medical history may have implications for life activities, plans and goals. Frequent, lingering, or debilitating illness may explain why a student is not able to cope with academic life, or take part in certain activities, or sign up for courses he/she may be interested in. He/she may be too sickly to cope with the stress of a full load or certain assignments. He/she may feel left our socially because he/she cannot join games or outings. Health considerations can also preclude certain courses of action. For instance, a person with history of epilepsy cannot be a pilot. Physical constraints can also limit interpersonal activities and affect the self-esteem.
What is the Social Data in the Individual Inventory Service?
Social Data can demonstrate the client’s capacity to relate with others—whether he/she has support systems who can be counted on; what kind of social influences are available; whether he/she can get along well with others. Knowing these will help counselors identify possibilities that might work positively for the clients and can help locate situations and conditions where he/she can flourish. Possible problem areas can also be identified. For instance, if the client is always in a fight, one would explore possible problems in relationships that can hinder social development.
Friends can tell much about the student. The absence of such can show if the person is an isolate and is unhappy because of this. It is an important indicator that the student may need counseling. The kind of friends may also show the possible sources of positive or negative influences.