M2.2.2 The Guidance Personnel Flashcards
What is a misnomer?
The term “psychometrician” is a misnomer in terms of the Guidance personnel, since a psychometrician is one who constructs and develops tests.
What is the correct term for a psychometrician in the Guidance Personnel?
What is the psychometrist called in the Philippines?
In the Philippines, the one in charge of the testing activities of the school is usually called the Psychometrician.
What are the specific tasks of a psychometrician?
- Identifies and selects, in coordination with the Guidance Director and level counselors, the tests that must be purchased and administered.
- Schedules, administers, corrects tests for each specific academic level.
- Furnishes counselors with test results of each individual
- Makes summaries of reports per group or class to share with administrators or teachers
- Prepares testing and related materials
Secures test materials and results
What are the requirements to be a psychometrician?
Since psychological testing is covered by RA 9258, the psychometrician must therefore meet licensure requirements of educational qualification and board passing. Thorough training in test administration, processing and interpretation is a must. Special courses for administering and interpreting tests of different levels should have been successfully competed.
- for standardized intelligence, achievement, aptitude and interest test
- for standardized personality tests
- for projective tests
What are the professional requirements for a psychometrician?
- Appropriate understanding and awareness of systematic theories that guide professional practice
- Working knowledge of fundamental principles and methods of Psychological Testing
- Adherence to legal and professional ethical standards in the field of Psychological Testing
What are the skills and competencies required for a psychometrist?
- clear and fluid speech
- appropriate diction and pronunciation
- voice modulation and projection
- clerical skills for correcting and recording tests and their results accurately
- motivational skills for encouraging examinees to take tests seriously
- organizational skills for scheduling, administering and processing tests and their results
- technical writing skills for reporting results
What are the traits that a psychometrist should have?
- charms, a pleasant disposition, patience
confidentiality and integrity in handling test results - attention to detail
- assertiveness in preventing unethical sharing of tests and test results
- presence of mind in dealing with critical incidents
- ability to respond to questions without destroying
- validity and reliability of test
What is a researcher in the Guidance Personnel?
The researcher decides on the best methodology for gathering, organizing, and reporting data that the Guidance Director and counselors believe to be necessary for understanding and responding to the needs of the clientele.
Who decides on the best methodology for gathering, organizing, and reporting data that the Guidance Director and counselors believe to be necessary for understanding and responding to the needs of the clientele?
The researcher.
Who is the one in charge of the testing activities of the school?
The psychometrician (in the Philippines) or psychometrist (generally correct term).
What are the specific tasks of a researcher?
- Gets direction from the Guidance Director regarding or suggests areas needing research
- Plans out research agenda
- Calendars research activities
- Decides on most effective methodology for conducting study
- Gathers and organizes data according to specification
- Makes a systematic presentation of results, conclusions, and recommendations
What is the required education for a researcher?
Four-year Psychology, Counseling, or Sociology background that helps her understand human needs
What is the professional background of a researcher?
- Understanding of human and development needs requiring more study
- Knowledge of research and statistical methods and their appropriate application and utilization
- Capacity to keep collected data confidential
What are the required skills and competencies of a researcher?
- statistical skills
- technical writing skills
- clerical skills
- analytical skills
- organizational skills
- motivational skills