M300 Flashcards
Relief in place, link-up operations, and passage of lines are examples of?
Retrograde operations
Enabling operations
Defensive operations
Consolidation of gains
Enabling operations
Which of the following is a stationary unit’s responsibility during a passage of lines?
Designate contact points between units involved
Exercise overall command and control of the passage
Conduct reconnaissance from current location to designated contact points
Establish security area/battle handover line
Establish security area/battle handover line
What obstacle control measure do corps and division commanders assign based on defined enemy avenues of approach and aligned with subordinate brigade areas of operations?
Obstacle groups
Obstacle numbers
Obstacle restricted areas
Obstacle zones
obstacle zones
Describe the process the division staff uses to mitigate hazards that may potentially affect the outcome of the division’s operations?
Hazard identification, hazard analysis, criticality analysis, vulnerability analysis and establish protection priorities
Identify the hazards, assess the hazards, develop controls, and make risk decisions, implement controls, and supervise and evaluate
Integrate risk management into all phases of missions and operation, make risk decisions at appropriate level, accept no unnecessary risk and apply risk management cyclically and continuously
Threat analysis, hazard analysis, criticality analysis, vulnerability analysis and protection priorities
Identify the hazards, assess the hazards, develop controls, and make risk decisions, implement controls, and supervise and evaluate
Which of the following best describes what the protection prioritization list (PPL) does to help the commander?
It helps Army commanders to identify or assess assets that require protection prioritization within their assigned areas
It helps the commander analyze the hazards in their area of operations and the necessary steps to mitigate the hazard
It helps the commander do threat assessment for their area of operation
It helps the joint force commander prioritize the assets by phase that are to receive air and missile defense (AMD) protection
It helps Army commanders to identify or assess assets that require protection prioritization within their assigned areas
What differentiates the protection warfighting function and associated tasks from defensive and specific security operations?
It requires the employment of the reserve
It does NOT occur in all four major command and control activities performed during the operations process
It is an enduring activity
It has definitive start and stop times
It is an enduring activity
What type of Army support relationship provides support to a force as a whole and reinforces another similar-type unit?
Reinforcing (R) support
General support-reinforcing support (GSR)
General support (GS)
Direct support (DS)
As a division sustainment planner, which of the following is a sustainment fundamental that defensive operations present?
Movement of Class II materials forward
Optimizing supply point distribution to eliminate throughput requirements
Plan and execute all six sustainment functions sequentially
Execution of defensive operations and simultaneously planning for future offensive operations
Execution of defensive operations and simultaneously planning for future offensive operations
Sustainment support for which defensive operation requires more fuel, provides less time for maintenance, and requires more complex casualty evacuation procedures?
Sustaining area defense operations
Sustaining mobile defense operations
Sustaining retrograde defense operations
Transitioning to retrograde defense operations
Sustaining mobile defense operations
What combined intelligence and operations activity is focused on acquiring information on the threat, terrain, and civil considerations to facilitate understanding and decision making?
Information collection
Joint targeting
Requirements development
Tasking and directing
Information collection
What information collection tasks help the commander align reconnaissance, surveillance, security, and intelligence assets to collect information on identified information gaps?
Collection, analysis, processing, and dissemination
Decide, detect, deliver, and assess
Identification, threat analysis, vulnerabilities analysis, and risk assessment
Collection management, direct information collection, execute collection
Collection management, direct information collection, execute collection
What coordinated staff effort led by the G2, in support of information collection, analyzes information requirements to make recommendations to the G3 on how best to collect those requirements?
ISR Integration
Collection management
Information management
Knowledge management
Collection management
The commander directed the systematic observation of an area to collect information on the threat and local population. What information collection mission or operation best aligns with this activity?
Human intelligence
Security operation
After determining initial information gaps during Information Collection planning, during which sub-task of mission analysis does the staff work with the collection management team to nominate information requirements as CCIRs and EEFIs.
Collection management
Review available assets
Develop the Initial IC Plan
Develop a course of action
Develop the Initial IC Plan
The intelligence warfighting function refines collected data into usable information that can be distributed for further analysis or given directly to commanders as combat information. What intelligence activity does this describe?
Intelligence operations
Intelligence synchronization
Information collection
Intelligence processing, exploitation, and dissemination (PED)
Intelligence processing, exploitation, and dissemination (PED)