M2: The Evolution of Traditional to New Media Flashcards
All channels of communication from printed paper to digital data
People imparting or exchanging messages through speaking, writing, gestures, and symbolic forms
Inventions that revolutionized media
Turning Points
Before 1700s
Pre-Industrial Age
1700s - 1930s
Industrial Age
1930s - 1980s
Electronic Age
1900s - Present
Information Age
Refers to the time before machines were introduced to produce goods on a large scale
Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
Rock/cave paintings
Rock carvings
Considered first cave painting
Altamira Cave Paintings, Spain
New claimants for oldest cave paintings
Sulawesi and Borneo, Indonesia
“Wedge-shaped” and used by ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia
Used for record-keeping; dedicated to royalty and deities
Egypt’s Hieroglyphics
Greek word Heiros
Greek word Gluptien
Carved in stone
Earliest known calendar-dated document found within the Philippines Islands: Lumban, Laguna
Laguna Copperplate Inscription
One of the Philippines precolonial writing system
Philippine Baybayin
Meaning of baybay
To spell
Crafting cloth sheets to record their drawings and writings
Silk Papers in China (About 2000 years ago)
Mixture of mulberry bark, hemp and rags with water, mashed it into pulp, pressed out the liquid and hung the think mat to dry in the sun
Chinese Court Official
Ts’ai Luna
Writing material of ancient times derived from the plant Cyperus papyrus
Enabling widespread publishing of a variety of texts, and the dissemination of knowledge and literacy
Woodblock Printing
Invented by Johann Gutenberg’s (1394-1460)
Movable Metal type Printing Machine
Tagalog Doctrine and Father Juan de Plasencia
Doctrina Christiana, en lengua española y tagala
Chinese Doctrina and Fray Juan Cobo
Wuchi t’ien-chu cheng-chiao chen-chuan shih-lu
A period of scientific and technological development in the 18th century; Mass production
Industrial Revolution (1700s-1930s)
Transformed largely rural, agrarian societies into industrialized, urban ones
Industrial Revolution (1700s-1930s)
Rotary metal cylinders invented by Friedrich Koenig and Andreas Bauer
Steam Power Printing Press
Transmitting electrical signals over wires, developed by Samuel Morse
Alexander Graham Bell
Utilized the power of electricity that made electronic devices
Electronic Age (1930s - 1980s)
Used in radio, electronic circuits, and early computers
Developed the idea of radio, or wireless telegraphs
Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi
Capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back into a picture on a screen
Invented television
Philo Taylor Farnsworth
The rapid technological advancement and innovation with the use of microelectronics
Information Age (1900s - Present)
Also known as information age
Digital Age
Media/Internet used in 1986
Bulletin Board System (BBS)
Media/Internet used in 1987
Philippine FidoNet Exchange
Media/Internet used in 1991-1993
Email getaways and services
Media/Internet used on June 1993
DOST - Philnet Project
What date did the Philippines connect to the internet?
March 29, 1994
World Wide Web or can be operated in mobile
Social Media Age
First ever social media site