M2 - Infectious diseases Flashcards
What is a virulence factor?
component of a pathogen that contributes to its ability to cause disease.
What is a component of a pathogen that contributes to its ability to cause disease known as?
Virulence factor
What are the roles of surface molecules?
- Attachment/ colonisation
- Rafting/ co-aggregation
- Promote clotting
- Signal transduction (interfere with host response)
- Internalisation (escape/ hide/ spread)
What process are oral streptococci a product of?
What acid is produced by oral streptococci?
Lactic acid
When oral streptococci gain access to blood stream, what disease may they cause?
Infective endocarditis
In infective endocarditis, what do pathogens adhere to?
platelet fibrin deposition
What are some complications of infective endocarditis?
brain abscess
meningeal reaction
What are the main factors when pathogens evade the innate immune system?
Mechanisms that inhibit complement
How may pathogens overcome the acquired immune response?
Change appearance
What does the bacterial cell wall determine?
Whether bacteria is gram +ve or -ve
What features do gram -ve bacteria have that gram +ve do not have?
What is the function of a lipopolysaccharide?
Bind to cytokine releasing cells
What is the main response to severe infection?
What can sepsis progress to?
septic shock