M1 U2 Biological Molecules Flashcards
Is the sum total of all the biochemical reactions taking place in the cells of an organism
A risk factor
Is a factor that increases your chance of developing a particular disease
Covalent bonds
Are formed when electrons are shared between atoms. These bonds are very strong. Covalently bonded atoms form new molecules.
Make up a group of molecules containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio Cn(H2O)n.
Are polymers of monosaccharides. They consist of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharide monomers bonded together to form a single large molecule.
Is a carbohydrate polymer made by bonding many B-glucose molecules together in long chains
Amino acids
Are the monomers of all proteins. All amino acids have the same basic structure. The 20 different amino acids involved in protein synthesis differ only in the R-group bonded to the central carbon.
The primary structure
Of a protein is given by the specific sequence of amino acids that make up the protein
Secondary structure
Refers to the coiling and pleating of parts of the polypeptide molecule
Tertiary structure
Refers to the overall 3D structure of the final polypeptide or protein molecule
Is a globular transport protein
Is a fibrous structural protein
Are a diverse group of chemicals that dissolve in organic solvents, such as an alcohol, but not in water. They include fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol.
A hydrogen bond
is a weak interaction that can occur wherever molecules contain a slightly negatively charged atom bonded to a slightly positively charged hydrogen. Water molecules hydrogen-bond with each other extensively.
Food tests
Are simple tests that show the presence of various biological molecules in samples or structures. Iodine can stain plant tissue sections to show where starch is.