M&R Session 7 (Lecture 7.1) Flashcards
What are the 3 ‘superfamilies’ of cell-surface receptor?
1) Ligand-gated e.g. nAChR
2) Receptors with intrinsic enzymatic activity e.g. receptor TKs e.g. Insulin R
3) GPCR e.g. mAChR
Give examples of agonists that activate Beta-2 adrenoceptors for asthma treatment, and Mu opioid receptors for analgesia?
Beta 2 - salbutamol, salmeterol
Mu opioid - morphine, fentanyl
Give examples that antagonise Beta adrenoceptors for hypertension and D2 dopamine Rs for schizophrenia?
Beta - propranolol, atenolol
D2 - Haloperidol, sulpride
List 3 diseases associated with signal transduction. Say what has been lost/gained in function?
1) Retinitis pigmentosa - loss of function to rhodopsin
2) Nephrogenic DI - LOF to the V2 vasopressin receptor
3) Familial male precocious puberty - GOF to LH R
What substances to GPCR respond to?
1) Ions - H+, Ca2+
2) NTs - ACh, Glu
3) Peptide and non-peptide hormones - glucagon, adrenaline
4) Large glycoproteins - TSH
What is the general structure of a GPCR?
Single PP chain
7TM spanning regions
Extracellular N-termini
Intracellular C-termini
What are the two regions that a ligand can bind on the GPCR?
1) TM 2-3 regions e.g. ACh
2) N-terminal region e.g. Glutamate
What does the ‘G’ in G-protein stand for?
Guanine nucleotide binding
What are the three subunits of GPs?
G alpha
G beta
G gamma
Describe the process if an agonist binds to a GPCR?
1) GPCR binds agonist
2) GPCR interacts with GP heterotrimer with GDP bound
3) GDP is released and GTP binds releasing the heterotrimer from the GPCR.
4) GTP binding causes dissociation of the heterotrimer into G alpha and G beta-gamma
5) The subunits can interact with effector proteins( second messenger-generator enzymes or ion channels)
6) The G alpha has intrinsic GTPase activity that hydrolyses GTP»_space; GDP slowly.
7) The two distinct sunbunits come together to form the original heterotrimer once the G alpha has GDP bound to it.
What are G alpha S subunits i) ligands activation, ii) GPCR and what do they activate ?
i) Adrenaline/Noradrenaline
ii) Beta adrenoceptor
iii) Activates adenylyl cyclase (ATP»_space; cAMP)
What are G alpha I subunits i) ligands activation, ii) GPCR and what do they activate ? (for Adr + ACh)
i) Adrenaline/Noradrenaline
ii) Alpha 2 adrenoceptor
iii) Inhibit AC (increase K+ conductance so hyperpolarise membrane)
i) ACh
ii) M2/M4 receptor
iii) “”
What are G alpha Q subunits i) ligands activation, ii) GPCR and what do they activate ? (for Adr + ACh)
i) Adrenaline/Noradrenaline
ii) Alpha 1 adrenoceptor
iii) Activates Phospholipase C
i) ACh
ii) M1/M3 receptor
iii) “”
What are G alpha T subunits i) ligands activation, ii) GPCR and what do they activate ?
i) Light
ii) Rhodopsin
iii) Acitvates cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase
Which bacterium releases Cholera toxin?
Vibrio cholerae
Which bacterium releases pertussis toxin?
Bordetella pertussis
What is the result of ingesting cholera or pertussis toxin ?
Cholera - severe dehydration by watery faeces
Pertussis - Violent coughing aka whooping cough - difficult to breathe
How do cholera and pertussis interfere with G proteins function?
CTx and PTx are enzymes that ADP-ribosylate G proteins
Eliminates GTPase activity of Gs alpha ( GsA becomes irreversibly activated)
Interferes with GDP/GTP exchange on GiA (GiA becomes irreversibly inactivated)