M Flashcards
Large, multicellular plants that are differentiated into organs and tissues.
The fungal sheath on the outside of plant roots in Ectomychorrhizas.
Condition where parts of a plant, such as leaves, wither but don’t fall off.
Relating to mechanisms or theories
Indicating a water body with intermediate nutrient inputs.
A technique for combining the results of several independent but similar studies in order to examine the overall picture.
Meta population
A group of spatially separated populations of the same species that interact at some level.
Meta population theory
An idea that emphasises the importance of connectivity between these seemingly isolated populations and the mobility of species in determining the distribution, abundance and resilience of populations of organisms.
A specialist group of archaea microorganisms that produce methane in the strict absence of oxygen.
Specialist bacteria that derive energy from the consumption of methane.
Mineral nutrients
The minerals that make up the biomass of organisms, excluding C H and O. Macronutrients are nitrogen N, phosphorous P, potassium K, calcium Ca, magnesium Mg, and surfer S. Micronutrients are iron Fe, manganese Mn, zinc Zn, boron B, copper Cu, chloride Cl, molybdenum Mo, nickel Ni and cobalt Co.
With reference to carbon and nutrients, the mobile forms. Eg co2 and dissolved nutrient ions, which have been released from organic matter.
Modelled variables
The Unknown quantities that a model is designed to predict, such as temperature and soil carbon content.
Moisture deficit
When the vertical water balance (P-E) is negative, water may be drawn from stores such as soil; the reduction in stored water is referred to as a water deficit.
Moisture flux convergence
The source of moisture resulting from transport into a region by the wind.