"M" Flashcards
Fibrocartilage normally occurs in
Intervertebral discs
stab creating pneumothorax on left side usually results in collapse of which of the following
Left lung only
Sharpey’s fibers from PDL insert into what structures
Bundle Bone & Cementum
In an adult, Babinski sign indicates damage to
Upper motor neurons
Hydrocephalus, excess cerebral spinal fluid is found within
- cant get to Subarach. space
- Most commonly, hydrocephalus occurs in the cerebral aqueduct
Primary mineral component of alveolar bone
Primary function of cementum
Attach Sharpey’s fibers
Mucosa of the anterior 2/3 of tongue develops primarily from
Lateral Lingual Swellings
Initially, developing heart is positioned
anterior to prechordal plate
Melanocytes migrate to lamina propria of oral mucosa from which of the following
Neural Crest
Blood from cephalic vein drains into which of the following veins
Coupled respiration involves
ADP, O2, Electron donor, inorganic phosphate
Depression in roof of mouth. Gives rise to anterior pituitary
Rathke’s pouch
3rd week of dev. immediately behind two halves of mandibular arch, a rounded swelling named ____ appears. Described by His as undergoing enlargement to form the buccal part of _____
Tuberculum impar
Buccal part of tongue
Gives rise to Post. 1/3 of tongue (aka copula)
Hypobranchial eminence
Gives rise to mucosa of ant. 2/3 of tongue
Lateral Lingual Swellings
Cells of notochord
mesoderm—main axial body support—found ventral to neural tube
Neural tube becomes
CNS–brain and spine
ectodermal wall forms the rudiment of the nervous system
center of tube–neural canal
Free FA in plasma are mainly associated with
serum albumin
Required for Normal blood clot formation
Ca, Thrombin, Vitamin K, Proteolysis
Combines with Heparin to inhibit clotting
Anti-thrombin III
Sodium citrate
Any Antithrombin substance
Colloid osmotic pressure of blood is important because it
prevents excess loss of fluid from capillaries
Most likely to promote depolymerization of ECM
Portion of NS that contains Cardiac, Vomiting and Vasomotor centers
Globular blood transport protein that carries calcium
Sympathetic stimulation would cause
- Dilates pupil
- Inc. HR and force of contraction
- Dilates bronchioles
- Dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscles (in animals)
- Constricts BV in GI organs
- Sweat secretion
- Inhibits peristalsis
- Increases renin secretion (inc. bp)
- Promotes detumescence (penis)
- Promotes emission prior to ejaculation
Same value for intracellular and interstitial fluid
Total osmotic pressure
Reduced renal blood flow can cause hypertension by
releasing renin
Which of the following describes the effect of a drug that inhibits renal carbonic anhydrase
It decreases sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule
Composition of plaque is most similar to
Oral bacteria
Substance released by blood platelets and causes platelets to stick together
Thromboxane A2
During Isovolumetric contraction what happens
AV and SL valves are closed
-The left ventricular pressure is rising rapidly
Characteristics of nerve fibers that conduct sensory input of pain from oral-facial region
C fibers
-Small diameter, unmyelinated
Note: a-fibers are large and myelinated